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Full Version: Crazy on the Ice - Be safe my friends!
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Folks will have different notions of what is "safe ice". But a bit of preparation, and a few cautions - you can have great adventures, yet be safe.

Some "tools" are worth having:
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Here's some ice safety charts to consider. I'm a 3" and up kinda guy myself. Beware of warm springs if the lake has any.
Some warnings worth heeding:
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Lessons worth learning:
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Here's a great video on what to expect if you go through, and how to react. Well worth the watch. Bottom line - don't panic, you won't freeze to death in 10 seconds!

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Though the dangers be real, the rewards be great! Good luck out there ice-anglers!
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Great post! Great advice. Think I will go get me some of them thar pokey thingys. Be great for shotgun'n a beer! [cool]
Good Info CoyoteSpinner. A buddy went through the ice several years ago fishing by himself. It was just getting dark and cold on blue ice. He put his for arms out on top of the ice and within 60 seconds his sleeves froze to the surface and he pulled himself out. Good thing he didn`t panic. Fishon
Great info for those of us that believe in using the ole noggin, common sense including being responsible not only for oneself but for others. I see no reason to tempt the fate fairy nor do I have a burning death wish. We prefer to wait for clear solid black ice minimum 4-6". However, as the ole saying goes there's no such thing as 'safe' ice. Just be smart and be prepared great info to consider thanks CoyoteSpinner.

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[font "Calibri"]Never was there a more true statement. Last year my brother and his son went out on 14” thick ice. Brother was fishing; his boy was riding the quad around, doing doughnuts and being a typical 15 year old knuckle head. After an hour of playing with in eye shot of dad he got bored, took off over the hill and found a nice ice ridge to jump. BIG NO NO!!! Quad went in the drink and the boy got a “thank goodness your alive hug and an a$$ whipping at the sametime”. Yes I believe in angels. Judging by the size of the hole in the ice there is no way my nephew could have jumped that distant. He said he looked down and all he saw was “black”. Luck for him he didn’t even get his boots wet.

Moral of this story, use common sence and don’t jump your quad off the ice ridges.[/font]
Forgot to post my idea of converting my flatbottom to an ice sled. If I do hit a hole in the ice, no problem-O!

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That would be a sweet set up. A little noisy though.
I witnessed a kid showing off to his girlfriend at the Yuba narrows try jumping his Jeep off the big ice ridge that forms there almost every year. This was close to 30 yrs.ago. Long story short, Jeeps don't float. Lucky for the kids, the doors were off & they got out with just cuts & bruises. Was also told that a snowmobile met the same fate there.