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Full Version: One more Lost Creek question, boat luanch?
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Hi everyone,
Has anyone been by Lost Creek lately, and can tell me the boat ramp conditions? Can I get my 17 ft boat in, or is the water too low? Thanks in advance! Fred K.
I was there a few weeks ago and Lost creek is fine for launching boats. It is one of the only lakes in this area that did not have a huge water draw down this year. There are special regs in place there now, so make sure you read them before you head up there. Good luck and please let us know how you do.
Thanks for the reply! As luck would have it, I got off from work early today and headed up to Lost Creek to check it out for myself. You're are correct..... no problems launching a boat from there. I also checked out East Canyon, and you can get a boat in there too. You can see where they took a skip loader and cleared off 3 or 4 feet of mud and rocks from the ramp to make it usable. I've never seen EC so low! HTH, Fred K.
Thanks for the info on East Canyon Fred, the last time I was there, the last few feet to the water was covered in mud, it is encouraging that they took the time to clear the ramp.
Sure thing WH... glad to be of help! Big kudo's to the State Parks folks at East Canyon for taking the time to clear the ramp of mud and rocks[Wink] Fred K.
Plus 1. EC is one of the local lakes I like to fish in the fall. I'm glad they took the time to clear that mud away, I'll have to find their phone number and give them a call with a big thanks.