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Full Version: Late Whitetail Movement?
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This is for all you guys up north or here in SE Idaho that hunt the late whitetail hunt. We have to archery hunt it here but it's all fun. Have you guys been seeing very much movement yet? Any rutting? Me and ddahl3 have noticed that we were seeing a good deal of rutting going on by now last year but this year just seems slow so far. Any observations from anyone else? Maybe they're late? Any opinions or observations would be awesome.
I saw one buck that was pushing several does around pretty aggressively on Saturday while helping my in-laws.. Otherwise, he appeared to be the only one that cared.

I did see something rather unusual, though. There was a fawn running around that was bleeding out the mouth. One of my in-laws shot it (a mercy killing). There didn't appear to be anything major wrong with it. Just bleeding from the mouth. I wondered if perhaps it had been beaten up by an aggressive buck?
they have started here. seeing a bunch of small bucks dogging does but im looking for something to hang on the wall so we will see what this weekend will bring.
We need ddahl3 to kill something so we can win the contest. Any kill would put us in first place. This late in the season, I'm thinking that should keep us there.
Well me and ddahl3 got out yesterday morning and saw a few does and hung some stands. I went out yesterday afternoon and saw a nice 4x4 whitetail in close but he came in opposite of what I thought he would (of course) and he winded me. Fun to have a nice buck in close, bummer cause was a nice one and I didn't get a shot. He was running a scrape line, I think it's getting time to be in the stand as much as possible.
well come December its any deer time. hope tomorrow will bring us some hunting love.
OK, the whitetail rut is definitely on. Had a smaller 4x4 come running literally right under my stand chasing a doe and grunting on every step, he walked out to 30 yards and turned quartering away, I stopped him, shot, and hit him high, like super high in the backstraps [mad] Nothing to blame but myself, I hate making bad shots, that's why we practice all summer and fall. Couldn't find him after hours and hours of looking. I guess it's back to the stand for me!
Bummer that you lost him.