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Full Version: so far this week
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on tuesday i went solo no one to go with and i do not sit at home so went to the berry got there around 10:30 ish I had the the lake to my self not another person any where on boats no tubes no one but me i started at the ladders the lake was glass so i put one my waders and walk out past the lower cement here i caught 9 cuts just one over 22 but all nice fish the i went to a second spot and caught 16 more all cuts all day no bows was home by 3:30 ish
then wednesday hit deer creek in the boat didn't get there till 11 or so but we should of stayed home the fishing was like the weather COLD!! about 4 bite and 1 fish worst day on the water i can remember was home by 2:30 but i didn't thaw out till 6 or 7
I have Tuesday off. Shoulda texted me man. You know before the ice comp. [Wink]
Sounds like fun, even if one day was slow its still a fish'en trip right?.... Thanks for keeping us motivated... J
I'm grateful for your continued reports on strawberry duckdog. At times it makes me jeallous as the 'berry has only been good to me 2 of the several time I've been there. But your posts also give me hope it's possible to get more consistent and better trips. I keep taking the wife there hoping she can experince something 1/4 like you had Tuesday. (she is looking forward to ice fishing strawberry this year)

Keep up the reports!