Okay has anyone fished Hyrum lately that are willing to provide an up date? Wondering about a weekend (Saturday) trip to take the nephew out to catch a trout, are they still hungry and feeding? Planning on taking the boat and doing a little tackle washing, its got dusty and needs a fresh cleaning for winter... Probably my last trip to Hyrum in the boat this year, unless the ice holds off till after Christmas... Thanks J
I was thinking of hitting Hyrum this weekend with the weather still holding nice also. Last weekend of the pheasant hunt all the birds that are left are pushed into the thickest (can't get a shot anyhow) brush, phragmites, willows. All you do is hear them fly, but the dogs still have fun. I have the boat stored for winter, but it wouldn't take much to get her ready. A little gas and put the battery back in, tie the cover back on when done.
Yup I think the trout will still be eating and they usually aren't too hard to find at Hyrum.... Plus trolling in the boat is easier to find fish than drilling a hole through the ice in one spot...
My troop has to train the new scout leaders in the morning Saturday, so I'll probably be 10:00 before I can get there, but hopefully they (the fish) will still be hungry, I know they can sure shut off at times, so I hope I'm there before they decide they are done for the day... I guess my nephew will be up from So. Cal. so I'll probably have a boat full, otherwise I'd have ya just come with me so you didn't have to get the boat back out... If something changes I'll give ya a call, but I think this is what will happen... (Unless I get too late from the class and don't get to go..) Hope to see ya there... J
Rod, my fishing tomorrow is starting to look in question. Nephew isn't going to get here until later in the day and I don't think I'll get a kitchen pass without him. So I'm flaking out I'm afraid. Things might change but I don't dare plan on anything. Sorry J
Got a mini pass so I ran over to the river with my toon for maybe two hours. Threw everything in my pockets at them with no takers besides snags. Oh well it was fish'en anyway and I needed to live up to my name. Later J
I didn't make it either. A side job came up and it ran long than anticipated. Hopefully this weekend.
I may take a day off to get my nephew into some fish. Maybe Wednesday. I'll let ya know how it goes. Later J
I may take a day off to get my nephew into some fish. Maybe Wednesday. I'll let ya know how it goes. Later J
Hey Rod Hyrum is still fishing good give it a try. We had a great time today. Later J
So - did ya float yer boat?
Chase any crawdads, or perch? Or just slamming the silly slimers. Man - looking at the stocking reports - I'm afraid I'll be hard pressed to keep those widdle finless freddies off my jigs this ice season!
Passed by Mantua, and all ice free, even had the dock still in when I checked last week.
May not be as many, but at least some of the bows down there have some shoulders to me!
Hey Yote, we took the boat and trolled it's my favorite thing to do. We had my best outing of the year number wise it was crazy I was taking fish off the hook steady for four hours. Lots of doubles and triples it was a lot of fun for the company. I enjoyed it too. Later J