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Probably gonna be a bunch of folks thinking I'm just a whiny old fart but I gotta get something off my chest. I find it absolutely disgusting how many fully able bodied people are just too damn LAZY to take a minute and expend a tiny bit of energy to return a shopping cart to the store or at least to a cart corral, instead just shoving it toward the curb or just leaving it. Myself, I usually take the cart clear back to the store. For some silly reason, I feel better doing so even though I'm 72 yrs. old. I have tried to shame some of those lazy slobs by telling them my age and that I still have enough ambition and courtesy to take the cart to where it should go for them. Gotta quit that. Some guys get real testy & I'm too old to be getting in a scrap, especially since I just had my rt. shoulder reconstructed.

Does this little issue bother anybody else?
My number 1 pet peeve. My wife starts to get nervous when she sees someone do it because she knows I'm going to snap and go on a rant with the inconsiderate sob.
yeah - and how about them folks that think it's ok to take the cart FROM the store, and walk home. Then end up leaving it by a curb, or in a field.. amounts to stealing if you ask me.

and who ends up paying more at the grocery because of it?

The other nag is folks that park in the no stopping zone. I'll suggest they move, or suggest to store workers they should tell them to move on.

And how about folks with a FULL cart in the 15 item line? I've asked the store clerks why THEY don't enforce the rule, or even say something - got a response "they're told not to"
It bothers me when im going to park in a parking spot and there's all of the carts where cars are suppose to be able too park in the slot.

My major thing that bothers me is THAT MANY STUPID PEOPLE CAN'T FLIP THE LIGHT SWITCH TO INDICATING THERE GOING TO TURN INTO ANOTHER LANE!!!! Every day I can easily caught from 50-100+ people who don't know how to do it. As well if they change lanes 2-3 time and then they finally remember to turn it on. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY.

Some people need to go back to driving classes to learn how too use one simple thing that's on your left side waiting for you too hit it up or down to go left or right.

At lease some one has a horn in his car to honk at the stupid people [Smile].
I, personally, never return my shopping cart. Just think of all the people that would lose their jobs if tomorrow everyone started returning their shopping carts. Obama might not be making jobs for Americans, but everytime you go to the grocery store you could provide someone with a Job. [Wink Laziness....keeping Americans employed. Lol, just a joke it drives me nuts too.
I'm with Tmas on this one. Yes I put my cart in the corral, but I do not take it back to the store.
Look who is often gathering the carts up and taking them back in. It's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but they have a job and they have to have something to do or they won't have a job.
So, put the cart in the corral and call it good.

The cart going home is another persons job. I see them all the time, driving their truck around, pulling a trailer full of carts.
That is someone, a private contractor who has come up with something to do that helps to feed their family. Yes, we pay for it, but the end consumer always pays for everything. I'ts just part of an econemy.
I would rather pay a bit more for that guy to bring the carts back into the store and the guy to drive around finding the carts that have been taken home than pay double the tax on food so that our represenatives who take away the rights to fish in our streams can hand it out to their buddies.