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Full Version: Washington DFW To Accept Grant Applications for Aquatic Land Enhancement Projects
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OLYMPIA - Starting Dec. 1, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) will accept grant applications for volunteer projects that benefit fish and wildlife.

WDFW currently expects about $1 million to be available for these grants, funded through the state's Aquatic Land Enhancement Account (ALEA), beginning July 1, 2013.

Five major types of projects are funded through the program, although others may be considered. These project types include habitat restoration, scientific research, public education, facility development and artificial fish production.

Eligible applicants are citizens, non-profit organizations, schools (including universities), tribes and political subdivisions of the state such as conservation districts. For-profit businesses, State and federal agencies are not eligible.

Funds are provided on a cost-reimbursement basis and may not be used for salaries, wages, stipends or benefits. Grantees are required to follow state purchasing rules and report on their progress quarterly.

For more information and application instructions, interested persons should visit the ALEA Grant Program website at: starting Dec. 1. Those without internet access should contact WDFW at (360) 902-2700 for assistance.