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Full Version: 4 mile bank???
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does anybody have GPS coordinates of the 4 mile bank??? i am going fishing with my teacher on his boat, and we dont know where to go. i know some pretty good calico spots and there are alot of yellowtail at catalina right now, but i dont know...i kinda want to go rock fishing.

PM me.


Hey there DH_tubinjoe,

Don't know about 4 mile bank but 14 mile bank's GPS #'s are 33.23.92/118.00.00. Between the Domes and Catalina. Chance for yellows, yellowfin, and rockfish too!

ah shouldnt have put those over the internet! haha...oh well. i was wrong about the bank part. it is the 4 mile REEF.



Hey tubinjoe: I replied to this in the saltwater section. I gave you a super GPS location for rock fish. I forgot to mention that while you are drifting along for the line one of those 6 inch mackerels' , pinned to short steel leader, I hooked a 50 pound mako and filled the freezer with delectable steaks. But also it's a wonderful area for yellowtail and sea bass.
thanks so much. i hope we have some decent weather now.

i dont really know what to expect. never been private boating before. oh well...we'll see.

how should i hook those macks??? butt hook them or nose???
