12-03-2012, 10:00 AM
<br /> Beautiful day on the water. No wind and just a slight amount of current. We put the boat in about 7:30 am and fished until about 2:00 pm. The water temp. averaged 53* to 54*.<br /> We fished mostly with 1/32 oz. jigs with Bobby Garland Baby Shad (various colors). All of the BG were dipped with a chartruese tail light.<br /> At one point in time I felt like someone was watching us. Looked up into a tree close by and a Bald Eagle was looking over my shoulder. Sure was a big bird! Majestic...just like a lion in the jungle.<br /> We ended the day catching 61 with 24 keepers. The Crappie are getting more size to them. Mostly 11&amp;quot; to 12&amp;quot; with one right at 13&amp;quot;