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Last one standing

Last week Hotel Rancho Leonero closed up until March. Buena Vista Beach Resort followed suit and also shut the doors. They do plan on opening briefly for the holiday. The last one standing so to speak is the Van Wormer Resorts Palmas de Cortez and Playa del Sol. They are the only full service resorts on the East Cape that intend on staying open through the entire winter.

Water in the Sea of Cortez has remained warm and sources tell me the marlin bite off La Ribera has been very good. With little traffic I'm finding it hard to get good info on fishing action. I do know Tin boaters fishing near shore and beach fishermen have not had much action.

I was invited to Puerta Vallarta this week to fish for giant yellowfin tuna on my buddies boat the "Great White". This is supposed to be their high tourist season but it looked like deadsville to me. The resort operators, taxi drivers and fishing operators I spoke with were not very optimistic about business picking up.

As for the fishing from what I saw and experienced Vallarta is truly "Cow Town". The down side is the fishing grounds for the monster yellowfin are more than 100 miles from marinas. This makes logistics difficult and trips expensive for the average fisherman. Because of the distance we were only able to get one full days fishing while 2 1/2 days at sea but it was very fruitful. We landed three 200 pound class tuna and broke one off. Our average fight time on these monsters was 30 minutes a fish. I tribute that not only to experienced fishermen but also the great tackle and all Accurate reels the Great White is equipped with. We also landed a nice dorado and released a sailfish.

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Dave Helmers with a dandy

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Accurate Jack with Great white owner Dave "Fendo" Fender

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"Let's Talk Hookup" radio host Pete Gray straps on the harness

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What's wrong with this picture of Pete's fish?

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Whoa! The bottom sickle is missing. Looks like as a young fish it must have been shark attacked. It is amazing how the injury heeled up. It didn't keep the fish from becoming a big mama either

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This is a rare shot of Mr. "the rail is your friend" Jack using a harness

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Love the Accurate's

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It is sashimi time!

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Pedro, Fendo, Jacurate and myself enjoying our experience at Cow Town.

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Guess I'm not in Kansas? Weird for me to see the sunset over the ocean. I'm used to the sunrise over the Sea of Cortez each morning.

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We scooped this little guy out under the night lights. At the time I thought it was a juvenile billfish but now having time to look at the photo believe it must have been a ballyhoo.

The best source for the latest East Cape fishing conditions "like"

Mark Rayor
US cell 310 308 5841