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Full Version: Henrys ice 8"
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8" on the East end Saturday. 15 degrees all day and on Sunday but it was 4 Sat night.Friday night it was blowing the as hard as I have seen it in a few years. Steady 30+ and gusts to 50+ and with the snow at 3am couldn't see 20' pine trees 70' away with a porch light on. Fished a different spot Sat and only landed 4 in the tent due to the 20mph wind in 4 hrs. A jig or two helped but they wanted no movement most of the time as I watched them look at the jig or bump it. Moved to a spot I fished last week and got another 4 in the wind in 30 min. White seemed to be best. Couldn't get the 20 incher to take the bait. Island Park Res (at dam ramp) had some ice 50 feet out that looked marginal in the dark and looked to be ice farther out that was wind blown chunks or wind blown snow on new clear ice.
Thanks for the update. My ice fishing lasted 1/2 hour on Sat. because my youngest son found a hole with his foot. We still caught a few before we had to go.

Done a lot of reading and watching but a first time poster. I'm heading up tomorrow for two days with a friend. I'm still new to Ice fishing but I have fished Henrys a few times on the ice at Staley. It sounds like the ice problem is over but you never know. I have never fished other areas on henrys ice fishing and was wondering were we could catch a few. I would really like to catch something big vs quantity. Are there any areas that seem to hold bigger fish? Last year we did really well at Staley but nothing over 21'. I had such a good time last year I bought a camera for Ice fishing. Any help would be appreciated, thx.
Windriver love the logo.
Sat was a good time in the wind LOL. I had the new wife and father in law along for their first ice fishing trip. And it was a bit slow to say the least. Jigging in the huts produced 0 fish. I became a fan of the JawJackers though. Both me and my dad bought one and sat was the first day we used them. They hooked 7 for us.The one with the lighter weight outfished the heavier jigged one 5-2. Fish wanted small stuff hung it seems. WR was that you guys over by the mouth of Howard creek? If so I hope it wasn't one of my holes, I had ventured over that way and drilled two to see If jigging in shallower water would produce better over the deeper spot we were in.
No I was at Staleys on Sat. morning.

[quote windriver]No I was at Staleys on Sat. morning.


OK Good deal was feeling guilty there for a minute! There was a group with huts that did the same deal over at howard sat morning, was there for about 30-45 min and then packed up and headed home.
We fished it Saturday and Monday morning. Saturday was awesome if you're into suffering. I got skunked jigging in the hut and when I pulled up stakes, the wind was so vicious it hurt to open my eyes.

Monday was a different story. The wind left us alone and jigging in the hut produced a fair number of decent fish. Big was 19", which got my son uninvited for out-fishing me again.
I have had the same problem with kids feet in the holes. That is why I haven't used my 10" auger yet but will next year. I have found that if their boot/liner is damp and not soaked you can be out all day if it is not to cold. First take off wet socks and put dry ones on even 2 if it will fit in the boot, Put foot in a plastic bag like a ziplock or a trash bag then put the boot back on. It has worked twice for me when it was around 15 - 20 degrees.