12-13-2012, 10:00 AM
The DrumKing and I planned a 1/2 day trip and started at 10am, fishing until about 2:30pm. We wanted to catch &quot;whatever&quot; hit our baits under the birds and then go for some crappie too. DK gave it his best shot at finding some fish, we ran up the river and then down trying to stir up something. He threw a blade bait mostly and I threw a spoon mostly although we did shoot some blowdowns for some crappie. Dk caught 1 nice slab crappie on a blade and also a smallie and I managed a yellow bass and 1 lm bass, we did have a few pull off however. It turned out to be a really cool day too. <br />DK, as always it was a genuine pleasure fishing with you. Next time we&#39;ll do better. emoBang emoBang