I got me a JawJacker this week for ice fishing (whenever we get a solid hard deck [:/]), and I was just wondering if anybody here uses them? If so how much success do you have with them and what do you find is the best thing to use with them such as jigs, minnows, and so on and so forth.
Saw the adds and I am just as curious as you I wondered if they would ice up and be a pain in the ass. Keep us posted when you use yours/
I got a jawjacker last year, and must admint - I have yet to hook up a fish with it, but I've put it out a number of times.
Typically me second rod - set away from the tent. I have had it set a few times, just didn't hook up. Very adjustable - so even the lightest tap can set it off.
Haven't had any problems with icing up. I think you want to move it away from the hole if you're picking up the rod to work a fish.
Some folks have debated the notion of disconnecting from the hookset, but - that's the second pole. You'll find our neighbors north - some use them quite a bit. 6 lines and all!
I've tended to use them more to target bigger fish - minnows, or cut bait. Had hoped for a first musky through the ice - braid line. Maybe this year!
They work great for your second rod. I have about a 70 percent hook up rate. And caught tons of fish on mine last year. Used it at Hyrum first last year and caught a 18 inch bow with it.
I got the jacker last season and had good results with it. I've caught Perch out of Utah lake with it, bows out of Deed creek with it and cuts our of the berry with it. I had better hooking up results using horizontal type jigs. I usually tip the jigs with wax worms, but I have also caught fish using minnows also. The only problem ive had with the jacker is the trigger mechanism freezes up if water gets on it.
I also bought one last year and used it quite a bit. I have caught several species including burbot, trout and you can adjust it light enough for perch as was mentioned above. One tip, it says on the box to not place your face over the rod tip...heed that advive.
Yes as wyoguy said do NOT put your face over the rod end, learned the hard way and it hurts even more in the freezing cold. But they are ok for a second pole
Just clicked and didn't notice it was in utah's section. I picked up a few a couple weeks back. We've been using them on Henry's with some really good success. We are getting hookups about 90% of the time.Ive been really impressed with them. We generally set them with a light 1/16oz "ice fly" with a meal worm on it. There has been a couple days when the fish only wanted stuff dead sticked, and the only fish we caught were on the jackers. I wish I wouldve bought them last year.
I love my jawjackers and use them as a searching tool. The key is keeping the trigger dry and using small ice flies. If you use bigger jigs/baits the fish might peck at it and set it off. When you use small jigs like those found at Jammin jigs, the jawjacker hardly ever misses. I think I am at about an 80% hookup rate. It really keeps the kids entertained running from pole to pole.
I got mine at the start of last year. You'll love it - I had great success w/it. Didn't miss many fish on it. I would cover a jig in power bait and drop it 4-10 ft. Best tip up out there (in my opinion) good luck and enjoy. Great buy.
From what I have seen, they are pretty cool. And they aren't too bad of a deal either.
I did see this on KSL and immediately thought of the jawjacker. Even with the rod/reel included, I wouldn't spend $250 on it.
I've got three jaw jackers of my own. Love to set them up fatherest out from my rods. The guy that makes these lives in Rigby, Idaho and it wasn't till he helped me fine tune them that they became really successful. Those little jigs that come in the package have the hook coming out the side and that really increases your hook up percentage. My first few trips out I used my own jigs and I would estimate about a 50% hook up, but when I went to his jigs and hooked up my bait properly that percentage went up to about 75% and you can't go wrong with that on a rod unattended. Check out his video on how to use and the other important thing was making sure that your rods are at least 30 inches long. One of the funnest purchases for ice fishing I have made in years.
I purchased one earlier this month and have used it for my second rod on two trips. Funny enough, I caught more fish with it than on my other rod, with about 80% hook up rate using small jig heads with half a mealie. I'm actually going to buy a second for my son, who turns 3 in February, just so he doesn't have to worry about it and can just play until there is a fish on. If you have a lower hook set ratio, adjust it until your rates go up, and be mindful of what you have on the end of it. I did have the problem of it freezing when it got wet, so be mindful of that and when you are fighting a fish, move the jacker well away from the hole to keep it dry before you land the fish.
All really great advice, you have talked me into it and I can't wait to set one up at fishlake this Feb on our annual trip.
Thanks [
