I just picked up a 25xd (think it's an 84) for $300 and plan to throw it on my 1548 mod v duck boat. The question I have is I found an 84 merc 20 on KSL that's being parted out, anyone know if that tiller handle would fit on my motor?
Also it came with two 11 pitch props, what should I be running around here? it's a very light boat but I'll usually be running with at least two people and gear.
Thanks for anything!
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[size 3][font "Calibri"]make your own tiller that’s what i did just mounted a metalmop handle with a door hinge. Just all depends on what your throttle controllooks like. I just mounted mine to the side of the boat right where till handlecomes to. I like it more than the tiller twist throttle control i can stand upand control the throttle with my foot. My cables need to be shorted about 5 ftbut i just loop the extra slack in the back. Seems to work great! And it didntcost me anything really. mop was broken anyway. good luck [/font][/size]
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Sounds redneck [

] lets see a picture?
redneck is the way i roll! simply because of the price tag... As long as it holds solid and functions safely ... i could care less about how it looks i will post a pic here in a bit
[left]If they are both the same year there should be no difference between the 20 hp and the 25 hp mercury. If you are questioning the years call a mercury dealer with the serial numbers and they can tell you what year they are. call Marine Products at 801-973-4017. Most 25 hp merc's came stock with a 12p so the 11p should work well.