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Full Version: Prayers For Newtown
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It is a terrible thing when we have these type of insodents.

we just had a shooter here in my neighborhood a month ago, tho no one was killed, it was not for the lack of his not trying.

My heart goes out for those who have lost loved ones during the past several months. Especialy for those suffering in Newtown where this brave coward chose to attack our most defencless of all.

No laws, no restrictions would have prevented this perp from his rage of terror, he would have found other means had guns not been available.

unfortunatly we live in a time of terrorist, this seems to be the norm world wide. I pray our government leaders do not fall in to the scare tactics they are using to disarm citizens and see that first responders need to already be on the seen before perps like this can strike again.

I shed many a tear this weekend over seeing babes being caried out covered with class mates blood, seeing the faces of those babes who never knew why this had to happen and the faces of parrents who have lost thier dearest and most presous treasures.

My heart and prayers goes out to you..
Thank you Dave,
I share much of the same thoughts on this. The second shameful thing about this is how "some" politicians are using this to further their agendas. Truly shameful.
The Sad part is his mother taught him how to shoot, to give him lessons in respect. This kid had deep emotional problems all his life. This was not a good idea on her part obviosly. Conn has some of the strictests laws pertaining to firearms. We don't need more. It has been a Sad day in Conn.
Good point. Where is this in the media?
They (the main steam media) have there stories aimed at gun control. Not in regulating the actions on the mentally ill. Has there been one instance of a "competent person" committing an act like this?
Where is the out cry for this?