Fishing Forum

Full Version: graybullet, nickajack, mix, 12/14/12, none
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Well since the cold weather this past week I’ve been struggling with the green fish. Back on turkey-day my dad and I found a good school of crappie, so I decided to give them a try today. I graphed the fish and then started to throw the boat at them. I tried every color of jig I had and nothing even tried hair jigs still nothing. emoBang Then I tried a 1/8 Little Cleo spoon fished vertically and that was the ticket. emoDance Finished the day with 31 crappie 66 blue gill and 2 stripe. All crappie were over 11 inches with the biggest being 14.5 long. All fish came from the same spot. It was a break 20 to 25 feet deep.