I have not fished down the direction of Cleveland, Eletric, Huntington and the other lakes in that area including Scofield. I pretty much stick to good ole' Strawberry.
That being said, I do not have a snowmachine. Which of the above lakes have the easiest and best access for a guy like me that'll be hoofin' it? Is it tough to get to good fishing on foot? Recommendations? I want to go out tomorrow. If not tommorow I will be out on Saturday for sure!!!! Can't wait!!! Any direction is appreciated.
Scofield has the easiest access by far. Next would be Huntington; however, it has been reported that there is deep snow and slush there.
Do you typically stay away from deep snow and slush? If so, why? What would be the concern or drawback - other then more difficult to hike it? Would there be any additional safety concerns? Do you believe with this weather that slush would be more hardered at Scofield now? Thanks! Just trying to learn as much as I can - I appreciate your time! Is Scofield fishable now? Last I heard it was still unstable.
Snow is a nuisance, slush is really ugly, unless your fortunate to have boots that are higher than the slush. Not fun getting your boots full of slush and ice water. Also, if you are unfortunate to have extreme cold and slush conditions the slush freezes onto the sled and makes it extremely difficult to pull. Been there and done that and hope to never do it again. Another problem with thick slush is that one can't see previously drilled holes or pressure ridges. I don't know the conditions on any of the reservoirs right now, others will have to fill you in on that.
after tonight i'm guessing the slush problem should not be as bad or not at all.. i'm also thinking the ice will be a lot thicker be nights end.. 2* here in the valley right now should be some ice making tonight..
About time![sly]
Hit Huntington today. Only had a short window of time but pulled 4 tigers to the hard deck. What a beautiful day on the ice. Reports of deep snow and slush are accurate; however, the cold snap helped control the slush a bit. Probably 8-10 inches of slush, 8 inches of hard ice. What a great day!!!