Strawberry ice? Got some time on Saturday and got the bug bad.
Last year I really had fun on pineview and started to figure that lake out. This year I am hoping Willard caps so I can have a go at the walleye. I have caught 2 through the ice there but that was during the drawdown years. There are more walleye in there right now than there has been in a dozen years in my opinion. If anyone out there wants to chase walleye this year pm me.
I have no firm info on Strawberry ice, but my wonderful wife is suggesting that perhaps we sneak out Christmas day to go see how the Strawberry ice is. She's a keeper!
I see that some people have been venturing onto Schofield ice. Here are the temp graphs for Schofield dam over the last week:
Schofield Dam - WEEK:
[inline "Schofield dam week.jpg"]
Schofield Dam - MONTH:
[inline "Schofield dam month.jpg"]
By contrast for temps, here are temp graphs for weather stations near Strawberry - Daniels Summit, and right at Starvation.
Daniels Summit - WEEK:
[inline "Daniels summit week.jpg"]
Daniels Summit - MONTH:
[inline "Daniels summit month.jpg"]
Starvation - WEEK:
[inline "Starvation week.jpg"]
Starvation - MONTH:
[inline "Starvation month.jpg"]
I called the strawberry Bay Marina yesterday. I guess the lake had a thin sheet of ice in the morning that blew off in the afternoon. with the cold nights, i'm sure it cant be too far off. i'm curious to know how the backs of the bays are looking?
Chasing eyes on Willard sounds fun.. Any one know if they allow snowmachines out on the ice ???
I contacted the Willard park manager a few weeks back and he said he would not be allowing atvs or snowmachines on the ice there[frown].
I'll drag gear if someone wouldn't mind showing me how to get walleyes through the ice.
no fishable ice at the berry yet
Ive chased eyes threw the ice in the mid west years ago.. Ive never ice fished Willard but have put a few hrs in on open water.. Im game to try this season.. I have plenty of gear to get the job done..
Fished Strawberry from the shore yesterday between Chicken Creek West and East open water. The 2 bays were iced over as well as Ladders. Not sure how thick the ice is, not that crazy to find out. Fishing was good.
I drove by today and no ice yet.
I've heard of guys catching walleye and even wipers in past years through the ice at Willard over by the west dike. I don't know how they ever got out there though.
Just drive around to that side of the dike and walk up and over. You just have to be careful as you walk down the rocks. SW corner is the easiest place to access that west dike but if you are really daring, you could drive all the way around to the Light pole but those rocks can be dangerous to walk down when icey. I've never caught any fish on that side of the lake during ice fishing season but know a member that has caught some large perch there.
heading 2 berry in the am ill let u know how it is.
o ya we hit scolfield sunday nocked em dead ice 4 inchs fish right off bottom 10 feet deep what a blast .
Drove by today and the lake is frozen with little cities of tents on the ice all along the north side highway 40