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Full Version: Winter Wonderland!
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Today was an epic adventure to say the least! Arrived at electric lake at 7am with the temperature of 6 below. I had my quad but the access to the lake on a quad was far from possible. Plan B, strapped on the snow shoes and started the hike in. I figured it couldn't be that bad, it's only a mile to the fishing spot...It kicked my ass! The snow was 4-5 feet deep and about a foot deep with snow shoes pulling a sled full of stuff I probably could have went with out. An hour later I finally arrived exhausted but excited to start fishing. As I tried drilling the hole I realized that my auger blades were on upside down. This was the First time I have used the hand auger in a long time as I didn't want to pack in the power auger. When I was taking off the blades I cut my hand really good. It started gushing blood instantly. I was thankful to have the first aid kit that I have never used. I fixed the auger and drilled a couple holes. The ice was 8" thick north of the boat ramp. Finally got everything set up and started fishing around 10. The fishing was good and consistent all day, It never really slowed down. Due to the deep snow the access to the lake is very difficult so it hasn't had a lot of pressure. The sun went over the mountain and it was time to head back to the truck. I figured it would be a lot easier going back but I was wrong again! The wind had blown the snow back into the trail I made to the lake hours earlier. About half way back to the truck I couldn't feel my toes anymore. Almost two hours later I was back to the truck with the temperature of 12 degrees. I would recommend snowmobiling to the lake. Every inch of my body hurts now and I'm realizing I can't do what I could do ten years ago. It was a great adventure but next time I'm taking the snowmobile!
wow u must really love to fish.
Hmm, and you were the guy telling every one you could get to the lake on a four wheeler, i guess you learned about a thing called wind drifts, i learned the hard way fishing in the winter in wyo!! But you bring up a good point, watch out for those auger blades they cut threw ice because there sharp as $h=t... ive seen some really bad things happen with those even when there dull, there still sharper than most knifes. Im glad you didnt have to make an immediate trip to the hospital.
Yeah the whole day was a good learning experience!
Great report. Nice to see you had a good day.
wow sounds like one of them trips!! i have had more then one of them my self trying to get into E-lake.. thats one of the reasons it's good fishing on that end and why it's shch a pain in the butt too.. glad ya got in and out with out to much truble. good thing ya had the first aid kit. good thinking! i guess i need to start keeping one in my ice fishing gear could save a fishing trip. did ya catch anything on your go-pro? lol [angelic]..
Great report. There are some nice looking tigers in there. Thanks for posting.