12-22-2012, 10:00 AM
<br /> Well I finally get to make a report....haven`t fished much the last year and half.....due to a bunch of things. <br /> Went out tues the 4th to shake the cobwebs off the gear and see if anything would bite. Didn`t get going till about 10 am or so and caught a few. Took 7 home to clean and threw back that many. Some decent size and acouple just keepers. <br /> Went back on Sunday the 9th. Again a little late starting about 9:30....fished till about 3:30 pm. Took home 13 and a white bass. Most were nice in the 11 to 13 range and 3 or4 just keepers 10 1/2. Surprisingly only threw back about 5 shorts.<br /> Went back today ...fog didn`t lift till nearly 11:00 Slow start but the first one was about 13&#43;....fish seemed to be on shallower water than usual. Srtolled around a while and get one here and there ...picked up a couple more 12&#43; and 1 just keeper. Ran into jbh3 and we started comparing fish tales. While we talking we were still fishing and the fish started biting . He had already given the one keeper he had in his livewell cause he was going to have to leave for husbandly duties. He caught 2 more nice keepers and I put a 14 inch in my boat and another 11. Wound up taking 10 home to clean including the 3 John gave me.<br /> The fish were strange today and the wind was out of the east, instead of the west the other days. Probably had 10-12 shorts. But overall a good sack for Tellico. Had five in the 12-14 in range and the others were really nice 10 1/2-11 1/2<br /> Sorry DK... I was strolling Minners around behind the boat under a bobber over about 7-8 acre honey flat I`ve been fishing for a few years. Catch most of the fish about 14 feet under bobber. I usually run one rod about 10-11 feet under the bobber too. John was throwing the little plastic do dads and got some on the six count. I`m fishing over an old creek bed about 22 ft deep and flats in between the curves about 14-16 ft. Some time they are on the deep...sometimes the shallower. John is rabid fisherman...I usually see him about two out of three trips I go. Been running into him for years. We used to fish the same club for a few years. Great guy!<br /> We was talking about making the trip down to get in on the bonanza at the Chic. But I`m in the water in about 15 minutes from my house and John `s not too awful far either. I guess we`ll probably stay up here for now. <br /> P.S. ....just for reference, the gas I`m running in my boat was bought about April of 2011....No problems.....it is pure gas though and I run the Don Weed BBC cocktail of additives. I think I`ll go get some fresh tommorow... I`m down to less than 10 gallons now.