It would be nice if all the fishing reports would put the year with the date. I saw a post reporting ice conditions marked as "new" dated Dec 30 on utahfishfinder for Rockport.... So either they posted the date wrong or it's last years post.... How am I too know...
Strange you would complain about another forum by making a post on BFT. If you have problems with another forum how about sending an email to the other forum?
That's a great point, good thing I already thought of that....
Notice the time and date stamp to the side. Pretty simple........
On this form yes.... But not on all, some just say month and day so be careful is all I'm saying...
I've noticed that for such a long time. I've even seen it pop up in the summer time ha ha ha its summer and a December report is up. Looks like its winter all year long at rockport ha ha ha.
I'm guessing you are saying that members should post the dates on their reports, is that correct?