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To better aid in catching pike through the ice (western colorado mainly), I adjusted my Jaw Jacker a little bit. I have just used tip ups in the past for pike, but now that my son is coming with me, we'll be able to compare how this works compared to the tip up. Tip ups for me in the past have had mixed results, but this will be a bit more fun.

[Image: photo-2.jpg]

I used a little nickel titanium wire through one of the holes in the frame to hold the fishing line horizontal over the striking mechanism. It's elastic enough to take on repetitive use, and soft enough to not damage the line. It will create about 9 inches of excess slack line, but my tests show that it will be more sufficient Since the pic, I have attached a bell onto the mason line to let me know when it fires, and have rigged an anchor in the back with an Eskimo ice anchor to keep it balanced with a big fish on. The full size rod will also be beneficial fishing for macs or other bigger fish. I've adjusted the drag to also keep a big fish from breaking off. Trying it out on saturday.....
Nice i look forward to hearing about your results!
Interesting. I've been rigging my jacker with a longer stiffer rod for chasing musky. I'll bet you'd get a good "snap-set" out of that pole. Bell sounds interesting - I've been able to heard mine pop pretty well, but the bell would catch the aftermath too.

So - what about that line dangling while you fight and reel?
Maybe if you had an elastic that's hold the stinger to the reel zone - just to keep it out of the way of the tip...
or - does it hold TO the line? Can't quite tell.
The rod-tip loops they provide attach to the rod-tip directly. I'd like to see an easier clip-on-off mechanism so you can switch around rods.

Love to hear how it works for ya.
I haven't seen one of these before. How does it work? Is there a video of it somewhere?
The dangling mason line is attached with a swivel that is not locked, so you just take it and the bell off in no time when you first pick up your rod. Since it's removable I can switch it from rod to rod, but since it's just made from some mason line, I may just make one for each rod. I too have been frustrated at how the little loops the Jaw Jackers aren't easily moved from one to another.

Here is a link for a video.