Well went out today to try for some boise river rainbow caught 2 bolth gralic powerbait tried some spinners and some small jerk baits but no luck on any thing but power bait. Does any one here use small jerk baits for trout i have been trying them all and no luck out of the boise river casting t them up and down stream i have used yo zuri pins sinking minnow rapala count downs dynamic lures hd trout in all colors and nothing they all are killers on smallies in the snake though any info or help with the boise river would be great thanks
I can't help you specifically with the Boise, but I can maybe help in general.
In the winter as the water gets colder most fish will slow way down. They won't chase as many fast lures as they do in the summer. Try fishing slow in the deeper holes.
i am no boise river pro but have tried a few times taking my kid out to fish. i am 100%bass guy and boat fisherman.worms and powerbait seem to work the best but they will also hit spinners also. jerkbaits are more for the bass but trout will hit them. with the colder temps the trout seem to like bait the most.
I've done well with Rapala F03 in brown trout in the summer and fall, I don't go out that much in the winter. A river trick is use a 3 way swivel rig. A weight heavy enough to keep it on the bottom on one part and a little crank on the other. Bring it up through holes slowly, even stopping it. With the weight on bottom it will swim in place and stay in the strike zone as long as you wanted. I've caught a few Boise steel head like that, even left overs in the middle of summer. There are big holes by Boise State, lots of browns lurking and not much pressure.
I've not used jerkbaits on the river, but I fish with a guy that does and he seems to do well with them. The best way to fish the Boise River is with a pair of waders. I have some neoprene waders and I just throw long johns underneath my jeans and can last about 2 hours in this weather. Probably longer if I layered more.
Anyways, I like fly fishing with copper johns and prince nymphs- those little stockers make you feel like a good fly fisherman. I fish mainly around the linder area too, there are some big native fish down there that'll give you a fun ride.
That being said, nothing will ever outfish a worm on a size 6 hook, with a splitshot 6-8" above the sinker. Really fancy/high tech fishing, but if you're wading through, you can really nail them.
My nephew hammers 'em on red Pautzke's eggs. Green lid. He fishes Barber exclusively. Mike
hey thanks every one i will have to try that 3 way rig i do well with a small corky split shot with powerbait and worm but i get alot of small ones i just wanted to try jerk baits for them guess i will be throwing worms and corkys untill spring. I really cant complane i have landed 5 over 18inchs since last month one of them was 22inchs not the biggest trout in world but pretty good for 5 min away from my house