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Full Version: Strike 30DEC2012
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Went out in the snow and cold, caught 2 limits in 2 hours. All in all pretty fun
trolling? Nice fish!
Thanks, yea we were trolling near the power lines
any ice forming on cottonwood?
nice fish. hows the ramp? i am afraid it would be a sheet of ice with no warm days thawing it.
As far as ice at cotton wood I can't say for sure. I went a ways up the narrows and there was no ice. Hunted jacks creek friday no ice. So I would guessno ice, but who knows it's been pretty cold...

The ramp at the air force camp was not bad. Several duck hunters were launching with no issue, I had no issues but it is kind of icy snowy. If you dont have 4wd and decent tires I would wait till t warms up.
Wow. Nice fish, but if I cleaned all those on my kitchen sink I'd have to move in with you.
Thanks for getting back with a response. Mike