Fishing Forum

Full Version: fchupaska, riverpark, drum, 12/30/2012, dad
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put in around 10:00 and went up river. second cast dad stuck a big ole drum on a spinnerbait, one of the largest that I've seen in a while. not exactly what we were looking for but it was somewhat promising. at least something was moving around and hungry. worked our way up some more and I found a largemouth a few inches short of measuring on a jerkbait. switched to a tube and got a small spot and a crappie. from there we moved down river and things just shut off for us. they dropped the water from 46k to 27k around 2:00, and we decided to go attend to more pressing issues at home around 3:00. the water was very muddy, and despite all things chartreuse we couldn't find any quality bass today. better luck next time.