02-08-2002, 10:41 PM
The Guide's Forecast - volume 3 issue number 38<br>Northwest Oregon's most complete and accurate fishing forecast<br><br>Forecasting for the fishing week of February 8th - February 14th, 2002<br><br>Fisheries update: Overall, a good week for anglers. Sturgeon anglers on the Columbia found good action for keepers and shakers from the gorge downstream to the Longview Bridge. Good numbers of smelt are still present but the big push is yet to come. The deeper water seems to be a better option for sturgeon anglers. On the Clackamas River, a late, strong surge of hatchery steelhead have recently become available for those willing to shift gears and driftfish bait. The flows have been cooperating and limit fishing is not hard to come by but likely won’t last long. On the Sandy, no new hatchery fish are really present but natives are making a nice showing for this early in the season. The river is back down to low levels over there. On the North Coast, fish have been hit hard with the fishable conditions we have experienced all week so although fishing has been consistent, no big numbers are being posted. A nice tide series comes over the weekend making the Wilson, Trask and lower Nestucca good options for fresh steelhead. The Siletz River is fishing well and the broodstock fish are likely going to make a good showing by early next week barring any serious rainfall. The Umpqua and Siuslaw had great action last week and should continue to produce as those fish are a little later returning than their northern cousins. The Alsea is beginning to fade for hatchery fish. Hundreds of steelhead per day are crossing Willamette Falls. Willamina Pond, Walter Wirth Lake, Walling Pond in Salem, E.E. Wilson Pond, Junction City Pond, Carter Lake and Ollalla Reservoir will be stacked, several with adult steelhead or brood trout. The daily bag limit is 5 fish of which only 1 may be over 20 inches.<br><br><br>Soapbox update: Below here is a letter I (Bob Rees) sent to the ODF&W commissioners and a few key personnel regarding the upcoming management decision for Columbia River Sturgeon:<br><br>Dear Commissioners, Guy Norman, Ed Bowles and Steve Williams:<br><br>This letter is to inform you as to our industry’s fears of the up-coming management decision regarding sturgeon seasons on the Columbia River. <br><br>Get much more at http://www.theguidesforecast.com/<br><br><br>Get more Oregon fishing information at<br>http://www.theguidesforecast.com