I know there is a BPS and Sportsmans in vegas and assume they sell frozen baitfish. Is that a correct assumption or can anyone recommend a better place?
walmart if you are looking for anchovies or sardines
Go to seafood city on Maryland Pkwy North of Flamingo. you can pick up 20 lbs of food grade sardines for $20, just go to the seafood section and ask one of the associates for it (they keep them in the back). They are meaty and big, stripers love them and they stay on your hook much longer then some of the ones you will get around town.
I second what Billy said
[quote BillyH]Go to seafood city on Maryland Pkwy North of Flamingo. you can pick up 20 lbs of food grade sardines for $20, just go to the seafood section and ask one of the associates for it (they keep them in the back). They are meaty and big, stripers love them and they stay on your hook much longer then some of the ones you will get around town.[/quote]
+1. These are high quality, "sushi grade" sardines. Take them home and break them down into 1 lb bags and you'll have enough for many, many trips.
[quote Erawk][quote BillyH]Go to seafood city on Maryland Pkwy North of Flamingo. you can pick up 20 lbs of food grade sardines for $20, just go to the seafood section and ask one of the associates for it (they keep them in the back). They are meaty and big, stripers love them and they stay on your hook much longer then some of the ones you will get around town.[/quote]
+1. These are high quality, "sushi grade" sardines. Take them home and break them down into 1 lb bags and you'll have enough for many, many trips.[/quote]
[cool]yup yup I just went there today and the sardines were $0.99 lb I bought about 3.5 lbs of the ones that were "bait shop" size 4"-6" vacuum sealed them in about 1 lb portions. itchin for my first outing of 2013 now..maybe this Saturday [fishon]
Right on Syn.
They do have them on display at the seafood section where you can buy less than 20lbs. These can be somewhat thawed and may stick together if re-frozen. If you ask someone they will bring out a case (approximately 20lbs) which are fully frozen and can be separated and thrown in the freezer without fear of sticking together.
It is worth noting that these sardines do not smell all gnarly like the bait ones do. They have a fresh, clean fish scent. I think the difference is that they have been properly frozen, not allowed to thaw, and shipped to store in a timely manner. I think that they don't worry as much about the "bait" ones that are marked "not for human consumption." IMO that is why the ones sold as "bait" can be stuck together and stinky as all hey'yall. haha
oh yes, I took that into consideration, so I pre-re-froze them before I vacuum sealed them, they seemed to be in pretty good shape when I picked them, cant wait to put them to use! [fishon] I would have bought the 20lb box but I don't have that kind of freezer space lol [sly]
also they kinda looked more like Herring than Sardines, only the scales didn't flake off easily like Herring do, but they didn't have the line of spots down the sides like the sardines I was getting at International market place. maybe they are a sub-species of sardine, they are marked from Vietnam. [crazy] smh, oh well as long as they catch fish right!! [

[quote syncityangler]oh yes, I took that into consideration, so I pre-re-froze them before I vacuum sealed them[/quote]
There you go, lay them out on a cookie sheet and refreeze before bagging. Great idea.
I wonder if them being stinkier is a plus or minus fro stripers. It seems like it would be better for cats. At any rate, a buck a pound beats the wally world price for sure. [fishin]Fish on!
how big of a chunk do you? also when chumming do you leave them in smaller pieces or grind them up?
There were "stickies" on here that had all the info you would need but they seem to be gone.
Cut the dino's about the size of your thumb. You can do this at home and store them in a zip lock bag or a plastic container.
Save the heads and tails for chums. If you want you make chum bombs with a good blender or food processor.
These can be made by pouring a ground up sardine, water and shad spray into a red solo cup and freeze.
When you get to the lake pop the chum sickle out of the cup and toss it into the water.
1 ounce egg weight or carolina rig and a 2/0 bait hook.
If you are fishing from shore try the jig heads and bait.
Right now the fish are in shallow water in the Vegas Wash (15-25 foot) they are right on the bottom.
If you were to hike over Government towards Gypsum wash you could score yourself some fish.
Gotta love the bombs. I use a meat grinder and mix the sardines with corn, soft cat food, and out meal...and of course some of the oil. Put them I my old ladies cheap tubware and freeze them. Pop the lids and Drop those bad boys and sit and wait. Usually pretty effective.
Laker Plaza (the last stop before the lake) is closed and is now a BICYCLE REPAIR/RENTAL.
[quote iamthesmf]Laker Plaza (the last stop before the lake) is closed and is now a BICYCLE REPAIR/RENTAL.[/quote]
Ha I thought so!! cause I stopped there a few weeks back but they were closed, but upon looking through the door I noticed all they had was bicycle stuff. I was wondering if they even sold bait there anymore. what a shame. YAY for Seafood City LOL [fishon]
[quote iamthesmf]
If you were to hike over Government towards Gypsum wash you could score yourself some fish.[/quote]
Wherebouts is Gypsum Wash on your photo?
How in the BLEEP are you all catching Stripers on these Sardines from Seafood City? From what I witnessed yesterday they are more of a alarm system to tell Stripers to run the other direction as fast as possible verse a fish catching machine!
I watched them all day on my Humminbird come up take a sniff and go the other direction. I only had one all day that took a little taste then run.
At one deep spot I had one down at 65ft and the other at 85ft and watched the Stripers time and time again come in and check out one then go to the other and proceed on there way away from my bait.
Set-up wise nothing different from how we would fish Threadfins... We do extremely well with them when I have the energy to find and catch 'em.
We got 4 Striper dinks trolling cranks in the shallower waters... Just enough for dinner for Madi and me and that was it. Plus 4 LMB where caught when we got tied of trying to catch Stripers we would buzz into a know good hole and pitch some Senkos for a break from the boredom.
Go to the international market on Decatur and Tropicana for the Sardines. Also spray the bait with an attractor sent. [inline mainbaitspray.jpg]
Gypsum is the next road to the West of Goverment.