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Full Version: Willow Beach 12/30/12 - 1/1/13
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My buddy Bryan and I decided to start making willow runs regularly--we went out on 12/30 and tonight, 1/1/13. The first night we headed out, there were a lot of giants crashing around us but no hook ups, just beer--went back out tonight at 6:30 staying out till 3:00am, landed a nice striper on a bbz 1 trout imitation by spro, I needed that fight from a willow striper! My night is fulfilled. We'll be heading back out tomorrow hopefully with some real fish

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[cool]Way to bring in the new year! Were you fishing from a boat or at the pier? I'll be heading that way soon.
Nice! Looks like you're on a kayak? Way to put the time in.
From a boat, I have a couple kayaks that we mounted trolling motors to and just drifted up and down the hatchery and narrows, such a great night!

Whizzle: That's what its all about up there! Putting in the time. I caught this RIGHT as the moon came up, it was pitch black until some light shone down and he crashed it about 20 feet from my kayak
[quote BigE][cool]Way to bring in the new year! Were you fishing from a boat or at the pier? I'll be heading that way soon.[/quote]

Kayak yes trolling from a kayak, hint hint!!!!

Buy a damn kayak!

Nice fish by the way and love the BBZ1.
Nice work man. It is so damn cold out there but obviously worth it the bbz is a solid bait.
yeah man the first night we were there it kept feeling like it was below 0, us vegas babies are pampered weather-wise lol but the second night i dressed in ridiculous layers--thermals, wool socks, boots, under armor, short sleeve, long sleeve, hoodie, carhartt jacket, fishing gloves, beanie, bandana.........then I was warm hahah
Right. I call it my "Ralphie" gear.... like the kid from A Christmas Story, haha. Double layered thermals, sweats, jeans/t-shirt, snow jacket and waders, and of course beanie and gloves. It's a pain when you have to relieve yourself but it is warm for sure!