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Sorry no video this time. I just felt like fishing and enjoying the beauty without worrying about the film.

We got a little later start than I would have liked, but that happens everytime you try get kids up at 4:30[Wink] We decided to fish West Magic simply because I don't know the other access points very well. I need to do some exploring next time.

The fishing was never red hot but we caught fish pretty steadily from 9:00 until 3:00. We stayed until 5:00 but fishing really died at 3:00. Our group of four fisherman caught over 40 rainbows and countless perch. We probably could have caught more trout if we could have kept the small perch off our lines. There was a nice variety of sizes to the rainbows. The majority were 12-13" , but we caught many 16" trout and a few really heavy 18-21" rainbows. Our biggest perch were 11". I took home 25 over 7".

We found two 4" perch in a 19" rainbow. Not surprising since I lost a perch colored Salmo Chubby Darter when a huge rainbow slammed it and broke me off on the ice.

I should mention that we didn't catch very many on the paddle bugs. They wanted dead sticked ice flies. I don't know what they are called but I got them from Jammin Jigs and they come with the jaw jackers. The jaw jackers were awesome today.

Overall it was wonderful day that started cold and then was sunny and clear with no wind. The funniest part of the day was when my oldest son started screaming "I got a 26incher...." It turned out to be 21" but was really fat.

Steelfisher had on his biggest one of the day as we were cleaning up. We will say it was a 26incher since we only saw its head [laugh]

I started at the bottom of the ramp fist thing then moved over by you in the afternoon to get out of the crowd ,wished i would have know that was you would have come said hello. I was laughing pretty hard when your kids were sledding down that hill [laugh]
we were at ramp area too.. doing good untill crowd started to move in [Smile]. biggest 2 we had were 19 incher. we probably should of move out of crowd ....over all it was ok day
Ya that was my kids sledding down the hill.[cool] I should have walked around and said hi to people I usually do. I was just kind of in my own little world enjoying the day. My plan early in the morning was to get away from the people. I don't know the area well so I just walked across the bay. Hope to make proper introductions next time. Steelfisher was with me.
