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So I need a bit of advise from those of you that have a lot of experience with sleds. As mentioned in a previous post, I'm looking at trading my street bike for sleds or an ATV with tracks. Well, I do have someone that is looking at trading a couple of '98 or '99 Yamaha Mountain Max 700 triples toward my bike. The pictures he sent look like they are in nearly brand new condition all around. He said they were his in-laws and stored and used at a family cabin only. They both have less than $2k miles each. He also said he spent around $800 to have them tuned up front to back.
I have a couple of questions for you. Do you have any experience with these machines? How do they compare with other brands / models? I'm not looking for the highest performance machine. Dependability is the most important thing for me. I don't want to head clear out to the other end of Strawberry and find the machines won't start after sitting for a bit.
He is asking about $2000 per sled. It's a bit higher than book value, but book values really aren't accurate for something that age. If condition is all he says, I would be willing to go a bit more than more heavily used sleds.
Any suggestions on what specifically I should look at when I look them over? These look like they will really fit my needs if everything checks out.
I personally would have a hard time paying that much money for a sled that's that old. I picked up a 2003 4 stroke Yamaha RX 1 that only had 1100 miles for $1800. Of course I was looking in the middle of the summer and that's when I made my purchase so maybe that's why I got a better deal.

I like my money too much so I'm never willing to pay above book. With a country going to hell and the economy in the toilet there's way too many good deals out there be paying that kind of coin for a high mileage used sled. Just my two cents.

Are you looking at these 2 sleds solely because he's willing to trade? Cash in hand and not being in a hurry to purchase will make for a lot better deals.
As you mentioned they are on the high side for price, but at less than 2K miles for that age, that is great. From about 1995 to date, most snowmobiles, all brands included, are pretty darn reliable compared to models made before 1995. I had a friend with a 700 Mtn Max and he loved it. Yamaha's are slightly heavier than comparable Polaris and Arctic Crap sleds, but are good all around sleds. However the extra weight would only be an issue if you are using them for hill climbing and/or running on fresh, deep powder. If the owner had them tuned up, then this sounds like a pretty decent deal. Just ask him if they were ever wrecked. If so, then I'd avoid buying them. If they were just ridden by family, chances are they are just fine.
i would keep looking not a bad machine nice and dependable,2000 miles isn,t low milage on a two stroke motor,i think the price he's asking is probably a third to twice what it should be.just my opinion.[fishin]
My boys and I have owned lots of sleds over the years and if all you want to do trail ride or ice fish then Mtn Max is a great choice. They are very easy to start and quite dependable, however they are not a mountain sled. If you plan on enjoying them for a few years then the price with the recent tuneups is a good value. Regardless of the brand any sled with over 5000 miles on it, is in need of some pistons+. Always use non-eth gas and manufacturers oil, stay away from the high priced crap, unless your buying new equipment.
I used to race sleds in the RMSHA hill climbing. I can say with the change in elevations that You will be doing, the triple is a little more temperamental than the twins are, But if You lost a ring or piston the triple will still get You out when a twin wont run. Just a thought.
I have been sledding for several years and would agree with what others have said. If you are just cruising down trails and over the ice they should work fine. They are a heavey sled, but yamaha's are pretty dependable. We had some 94 phazers that seemed industructable. We only had a few minor problems with carberators clogging but thats an easy in the field fix most times. If you were interested my father has a 02 or 03 polaris 800 with i believe about 400 miles on it. He has barely used it and has been ridden very lightly. Im not sure what book value is but i would guess somewhere between 3k-4k. If you are interested i can send you pictures or you could come check it out and ride it as long as the snow stays on the ground in the back yard. I do know it would be more fun to ride around strawberry on the days when the fishing is slow but the snow is fresh and deep. I wouldn't pay more than book on those others. If they want to get rid of them they will take book, because nobody really wants those heavy harder to handle sleds anymore. I would ask to see what all was done for the tune ups as well. $800 for tune ups sounds a little steep for just a tune up.
Thanks for all the input. The one thing I know, and this is true with any vehicle, book value doesn't mean a whole lot for anything over about 8 years old. There are just too many variations on condition, mileage, etc. It does give a good starting point, however.

Looking at all the listings out there, I don't think they are too far off if the condition is as good as it appears. Most of the sleds under $2000 are on their last leg, beat up, cracked hoods, seats, etc. They may be a little on the high side, but there isn't much else in that price in as good of condition.

The other sled mentioned here for sale might be interesting, but the money is coming from the sale of my bike or a trade. I either need to find a buyer for the bike first or arrange a trade deal. The trade deal would be best as that can save both on sales tax.
If you would like any more info on the sled send me a pm. My dad is not really in a hurry to sell the sled, just thought if someone was looking for a good sled he would sell it. Its not listed or anything, so if you are able to get rid of the bike, and still would like a sled just drop a line, i don't see the sled going anywhere any time soon.