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How's the fishing is anybody catching anything never fished before what kind of species is in there trying to get out and trying to lakes thanks for any info PS p.m. me if need be
Never fished it myself but from what I gather there is cutthroat and some brook trout too. If you search little dell on here I'm sure you can find more info from the tyedye twins along with some pretty awesome pictures.
you can fish it for sure and its probly frozen.. the ice fishing there can be tough for the cuttys cause you cant use bait. i ice fished it last year and caught 4 in a few hours just bangin spoons on the bottom. there are some nice fish in there but so many little ones its been hard to weed through them in the last year or so. you will also have to walk from the parking lot ontop cause they close the gate to the bottom in the winter. hope this helps
try using the search box in the toip right corner of the page. can also try PM'ing TyeDyeTwin and EvilTyeDyeTwin. they fish it pretty regularly and do pretty damn well there although they have not been around as much because they are pretty busy with work and school
There is Bonneville Cutthorat,Bear Lake Cutthroat, and brookies. remember no bait. Artificial flies and lures only. And I wouldnt take a gas auger out there. They seem to be pretty protective over that one. It is a watershed.

One more thing, all Bonneville Cutthroat must be release unharmed.
Thanks everyone for the information
[quote fmrusmc]There is Bonneville Cutthorat,Bear Lake Cutthroat, and brookies. remember no bait. Artificial flies and lures only. And I wouldnt take a gas auger out there. They seem to be pretty protective over that one. It is a watershed.

One more thing, all Bonneville Cutthroat must be release unharmed.[/quote]

I could be mistaken, it has happened before, but looking at the speies of fish here in Utah, the Bear lake cutthroat seems to be your basic cutthroat. The ones we catch at Strawberry and other places around here. Please correct me if I am wrong. I dont want to pass bad information.

This is out of the Utah fishing proclamation.

Bear Lake Cutthraoat:

Bear Lake cutthroat trout often lack the bright crimson jaw slash, which may at times be yellow, gray or
non-existent. Deep orange pelvic and anal fins and the presence of few, if any, spots on the head readily
distinguish Bear Lake cutthroat from rainbow trout (see rainbow trout description). Bear Lake cutthroat
can exhibit a variety of spotting patterns, but spots are generally sparsely scattered, large and rounded in
outline. Spotting is typically more concentrated near the tail. During the spawning season, Bear Lake cutthroat (particularly the males) take on a bronze color along the sides and lower body, and often develop rosy-colored gill plates.

Bonneville Cutthroat:

Bonneville cutthroat trout originally inhabited the Bonneville Basin. They have sparsely scattered, large
and very distinctive round spots over the upper body, with few spots on or near the head. Bonneville cutthroat trout are a subdued silver-gray to charcoal color on the upper body, with shades of bronze and pink
on their flanks during spawning.
You are right in the difference, I have just never heard of Bear Lake in Little Dell. Just the protected Bonny and Brook with Brown listed.
I thought I caught a Bear lake Cutt near the mouth of the creek last winter. I could be wrong. I posted it up here. I will try and ind the picture. You could probably identify it a little better for me. If its a Bonneville cutt, scratch one off the list!! [cool]

Found the pic.
I am no authority, l was just unaware there are any other cutts in there except Bonnys.
These are Bonny's
[Image: 100_0013.jpg]
[Image: 100_0011.jpg]
[Image: 013.jpg]

It would be interesting to find out what you caught.
Looks like you are right! I put that picture up on my reply. Well, scratch one off the list! They look an awful lot alike to my untrained eye.