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Full Version: American Fork harbor heads up!!!
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Got cabin fever this afternoon so drove down to AF harbor to have a looksee. Three guys there had nothing to show for their efforts. As I was leaving, a guy stopped me and warned me not to drive out over the tire ripper. He told me it was frozen in the up position. Said that a couple days ago four vehicles ruined tires. He had just put a bunch of ice melter on them. Didn't get his name but thanked him. We could sure use more folks like that. He also commented that the city wouldn't do a thing about it and that's why he did.
Looks like who ever fish af harbor should just park on the dirt road unless they want too risk there tires. That's stupid. We pay to get in the harbor and they can't even do there maintenance in the area. That's what I call a LAZY and IRRESPONSIBLE place that should give money back for the damages that have been caused...
Both times I drove over that tire ripper I wondered if my new tires would be ripped to shreds. Thanks for the warning. That's amazing someone would bring some ice melt for it. Makes me wish I had done it. It's so aggravating that they expect the fee paid but don't provide the services, at most of the harbors, especially in the winter.
I ALWAYS wondered if one day this would happen to me. I see snow encrusted tire rippers all the time! At AF I usually go out the wrong way with the entrance, since no ripper there. Thanks for the heads up! Well if they won't do a thing about it, then I say those four cars that got ripped up should do one thing.......ONE CALL, THAT'S ALL! LOL And it's not Keith Barton anymore lol.