I got decimated at the Rockport Tournament today. I got one perch and that's it. Aside from that, it was a beautiful day. Figured you guys might like to know that the winner was a 23" Brown caught on the West side of the lake using a white paddle bug.
my son took 4th with a 19 inch brown fishing was poor at best we only got 6 fish total
The rock is definitely doomed due to all the tournaments and tagged fish contests. Used to enjoy fishing there but it's pretty much a waste of fuel and time now. The DWR needs to get a handle on these places and keep them stocked or control the contests on them before they are fished out. Just my two cents.
I was there last thursday for 4 hours and caught 5 or 6 fish and brought home 3 for dinner over 12 inches...one 17 inches, all rainbows. one hatchery pet, the rest were wild trout. maybe you guys are holding your mouth wrong while your waiting for the bite???? [sly]
Use some white jigs with a bit of crawler on them about 20 feet deep. I have not gotten perch to work with me yet this year but I will post what I find out after I get a chance to have a meeting with some. [
and get away from the crowds, I usually fish more towards the center of the lake rather than stay closer to shore....
hope this helps. [cool]
We also caught fish, just not what we're use to seeing. When you fish 6 hours try different depths and many different baits and only catch half a dozen fish, and that place use to be crazy with fish, that tells me it's getting fished out, and all fish were released by the way. I definitely don't have a problem holding my mouth the wrong way, this fishery is getting pounded and everyone know's it. Just like to see some of the tournaments and contests go to other lakes instead having them every year at the same place. For an example look at Willard last year, it has never been fished like that all because of some stupid idea Cabelas had to put tagged fish in there. And if they do it again I'd hate to see what happens to that place, or any of the other places they have on their list for tagged fish. We as fishermen need to do what we can to protect our fisheries so they maintain good populations of fish otherwise we're all gonna be sorry and for what, a very slight chance of winning a prize.
not sure why the bad luck guys I was at the tourney and did ok I didn't place but was in third for awhile. i aldso fished the west side and caught 10. a couple twelves a couple 14s a couple 16 a 17 and 3 18s. I was using a Ratsowith a meal worm attached and also salmon flavored power bait
I understand that. I didnt mean to come off as making fun of you if it was l taken that way. sorry.
I never did understand why they hold contests at the same lakes every time. you would think that is what makes it more of a contest if it was at a different place.
at least you caught some fish though, a bad day at a tournament has to be better than a great day at work...unless you make a S**t ton of money, then a good day at work could be worth it......maybe. LOL
I do agree we ALL need to do what we can to help sustain our fisheries and keep them fishable while still producing quality fish, regardless of what type of fish the water is managed for.
come to think about it, the trout I do get out of rockport the last few years have been more wild fish caught than hatchery fish, maybe 4 or 5 to 1. So does that indicate UT-DWR thinks the body of water is sustaining its own populations of trout well enough to cut back on stocking or stop stocking all together?