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Full Version: Utah Lake and Tibble fork!!!
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This week of all the fishing trips iv'e had were pretty fun. On the weekdays I went fishing on kindey pond with 5" of solid ice. Tons of dinker bows and if you lucky cat fish. I even tried ice fishing one day on sandy pond and it was 2-4" of ice close too the picnic tables but just a few days later I saw that the water open up more. Didn't even bother walking on it.

For Saturday I was lucky too not be called into work [Wink] so I hit Utah lake. Got at the parking lot around 10 am ish. It took a long time too find the huge school of fish but when you find them your stuck at that one hole for the whole day. Easily slaughtered 100 + white bass , one crappie, 10-15 bluegill, and 20-30 perch. White bass range from 3" - 11" but let all of them go, Crappier 6.5", blue gill 5" - 8.5", and Perch 4" - 9". All perch, crappie, and bluegill were kept for a good dinner. [Tongue]

Sunday I slept in pretty good after the hard utah lake trip. Got up at tibble fork around 12pm ish. I was fishing aroudn 20-25 ft and let me just say I just had too drop my pumpkin pepper down the hole spot for a second and let it drop again with another stop and there was a nice rainbow from that place. I easily slaughtered 40 bows and 1 cutty rain brown. Basically used pumpkin pepper with worm or gulp alive smelts. Most of the bows were from 11" - 13" with two 15" and once 11" cutty rain brown.

They should take down " Thin ice danger signs!!!" Where I was fishing ice was 9" in the middle of the lake not like last week when it was 2". [Wink]

Look like this year tibble fork just wanted to be nice too me in the winter time not the other seasons XD.
Tibble fork in the winter is always like shooting fish in a Barrel with Pumpkin pepper jigs. Thanks for the Detailed report.
Ya man it was my first time ice fishing there. I've heard good things about the place and bad things so I had too give it a shot this time and surprised how thick the ice is now I remember a few years ago when I went up af canyon for fly fishing in the lake in the winter and people were ice fishing on really thin ice and the lake was barley frozen.

By the creek and dam is about 3". Talked too some guys who were fishing there and said they had tons of dinkers eating there worms. From the short trip they came up too fish, they said they wasted 24 worms in 4 hrs or less. I had worms with me but used them here and there too tip my pumpkin pepper tubies.

Ya no problem about the details. It's been a while since I tossed out a good info report.[Wink] Maybe some day we should meet up there and find those big browns that are lurking around.
Nice job. Whole lake froze now?
There's some open water by the main river still that you can still toss your fly rod if you want too but you might not catch as many fish. There was a guy who tried fly fishing for a little bit but he quite because I was slaying them through the ice. By the creek and dam side its about 10-15ft of open water but most of the lake is solid ice range from 3-10" after talking too a few people and I measured out my hole and it was 10". I wish I had a gas auger. Would help out a lot.

I might head up there on Wednesday or Sunday too find some big browns. I finally caught a brown trout out of the lake after 6 years of fishing there. [laugh]
Thans for the awesome report! I was wondering where you fished on Utah Lake? I have been going to the harbors (American Fork, Lindon, Provo, and wanting to try the pump house on top of the lake) and I have had little success. I killed the white bass in the summer and loved every second of it. Utah lake for me is a good quikie but am having a hard time getting the buckets of fish like I am use too out of Utah Lake. Where did you land those fish?
Great pics by the way, very nice catch!
[quote Flyfishinglover]There's some open water by the main river still that you can still toss your fly rod if you want too but you might not catch as many fish. There was a guy who tried fly fishing for a little bit but he quite because I was slaying them through the ice. By the creek and dam side its about 10-15ft of open water but most of the lake is solid ice range from 3-10" after talking too a few people and I measured out my hole and it was 10". I wish I had a gas auger. Would help out a lot.

I might head up there on Wednesday or Sunday too find some big browns. I finally caught a brown trout out of the lake after 6 years of fishing there. [laugh][/quote]

[Image: tshirt450-1.jpg]
Where did you fish at Utah lake? Bait?
Yeah, tell us about the UL? Even if not where exactly, was it a harbor? By springs? Deeper or shallower, etc...?
Sorry but this one is being kept sealed.
I tipped my jigs or lure with perch meat, small piece of worm or waxies worked the best but still just a tuby with a 1/32 or 1/16 jig worked great.