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Full Version: Fish Lake...meh! 1-26
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Started out this morning at 7:30, fished the North side of the lake trying for some pups--nothing came of it. Moved in front of the Lodge at 65 fow, fish were littering the flasher. We landed 2 incy wincy splake and then the dreaded lock jaw plagued the fish. We tried everything we had for 2 hours, fish were schooling around 50 ft and still nothing happened.

Got fed up with the slow fishing so we moved again. Tried in front of Bowery at 25-40 fow--caught tons of dinky perch, the best were 7" and a handful of small rainbows.

It was snowing all day with a few 15 minute breaks in between squalls. At least the wind wasn't howling.
to bad the fish weren't playing well today. how much snow is on the ice? thanks for sharing. [cool]
I was out on the south end yesterday, I was fishing in 85 feet of water. There was a bunch of folks trying for the macs but nit a lot of catching. I talked to one group that spent 4 hours on the ice and only had 1 bite. I was fortunate enough to land a few pups as well as some rainbows and splake that were suspended at 20-40 feet. Tough day, there's about 5-6 inches of snow on the ice as of yesterday, I'm guessing there will be slush by next weekend.