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Full Version: DC skunk
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Hit deer creek about 3PM from the state park ramp on the dam side, around the corner and to Salboat Beach. I spoke with every one who was set up along that stretch, and no one had caught anything. One person reported a brief nibble. No one was marking fish.

We set up test holes from 15 feet to 90 feet deep, drilling about every 10 yards perpendicular to the shore. Once we got out to 80 foot deep we started marking an occasional fish at 36 - 40 feet, but no bites. Finally slogged to shore in the drizzly rain completely trout-less as dark approached.

One person we spoke with had fished Jordanelle in the morning, and he reported about 50 perch between he and his two young boys, along with a bunch of 11 - 12 inch trout. He too was skunked after moving to Deer Creek.