[cool]Hey, gang, your moderator did not get out over the weekend. Tender ankles and kicking in swim fins do not go together. I did spend some time working with some of the new bunny fur I got for jig making. Here is a pic of some of the new color combos I am playing with.
Any comments or suggestions?
[cool]Hey TD, The selections looks good. I have an idea on some other combinations as well. We can go over those at your shop. Do you have more colors of fur?? Perhaps some green?? We'll talk about it later at your place.
I hope that ankle gets better by the time we get over there.[
[cool]Before I got my new colors, I had only white and natural grey furs. I bought several new colors to sample the quality and the sizes of the different strips from my new source. I am well pleased with the prices and the quality. They have just about every color you could possibly want, and I DO plan to get some greens and browns to make up some crawdad patterns. At least, I figured that's where you were going with that.
Also, the jigs in the pic are all single tail. For crawdad patterns it is easy to make the tail a double...for double trouble. There are also lots of different feathers, furs and sythetic strands...like Flashabou and Crystalflash...that can really dress up a jig. Of course, with some of the new glitter head combos, those poor fish won't have a chance.
I hope you will volunteer to help me field test them. Actually, we will test them in the water and not on the field.
i think you should make some bonito feathers too! long with some black, green and a black and metallic sparkle and black purple and white! kill the bonita, mackerel, and the barracuda.
[cool]Hey, Joe, Howya doin'? How has fishing been?
These bunny fur jigs are only something new for me. I have been making feather jigs since before you were born. I used to fish "bay feathers" inside for bass and halibut, and then take them outside for bonito, barracuda and even yellows. I also caught lots of halibut on feathers...and iron.
When the new fancy plastic twisters and swimbaits started coming along, I got away from using the feathers so much. But, like you say, they are still deadly...both when trolled and casted. And, with the fancy new synthetic materials and glitter paints, you can make some really wild creations.
The old reliable blue and white, or red and white, are still some of the best combos for bonito and other lure munchers. But it is amazing some of the wild combos they will hit on some days...depending on water temp and clarity...and what kind of mood they are in. It pays to have a good assortment whenever you go out.
I would be glad to field(water) test any thing that you need testing. Then I could help as well on refining colors, textures, and sizes. Which will then lead to packaging, marketing, and distribution. Lot of fun at any end of the stick.