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Full Version: Piveview 2/1/13
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Went up to pineview on friday for a birthday trip with a few friends of mine and one i hadnt seen in a few years. left the house around 3 am looking to get up there in the dark for some crappies. Got to the parking lot and it was a mild 32 degrees[crazy]. made our way down the steep hill in the dark and proceeded on to the ice or slush you could call it. there had to be atleast 6 to 8 inches of watery slush on top and i wasnt prepared for the conditions cause i was instantly wet, luckily it wasnt too cold even though it wasnt the most comfortable thing i kept on fishing. there were crappie all over the finder once we drilled and set up shop. they were a little finicky and i had a hard time getting them to bite my rig but my 2 buddies got a few keepers, i think around 5 keepers and lots of little silver dollar sized ones. Also 1 perch sized LMB was cool too that my other buddy got.
As soon as the sun came up the crappie pretty much dissapeared and the perch woke up. i ended up getting around 18 perch and 2 small crappie for myself aswell as a real nice smallie that taped at a little over 17 inches, the way it fough i thought i was a big slab but the smallies are just as good to eat imo.
I dont know if the colder mountain temps the last few days have froze the slush up a little better cause if not you definalty need waders or high boots. thanks guys
Thanks for the detailed report. I've only fished PV once and only caught a few tiny perch, so at least now I know that there are more interesting things to catch there. Do you know if the area around Cemetary Point is any good?
i fished the south side once this year and hammered dinks like crazy with a few ok ones, ive found that perch are much bigger there away from the crowds. Also that smallie was the 5th smallie ive caught out of PV in the last few years and it was the smallest out of them.
havnt tried the north side this year of cemetary but it wouldnt hurt to try.
Well, you shoulda called me and gone to Utah Lake. I have purposely not gone after the crappie up there through the ice, because I know I'll fail at first and it will become this obsessive quest that takes all my time and money for two seasons until I figure it out. Hah!

Better luck next time, right?
ya i hear ya man, i think ill stick to perch, they are a little easier for me atleast to figure out.[:p] there are just a ton of little teeny crappies to weed through and they werent liking my rig like they were my buddies.
Cool stuff there man. PV smallies under the ice is something I hadn't seen till this post.
Roynut, I have seen reports about big crappie North of Cemetary, and that's where i'v e seen them on sonar, caught dinks, etc...early in the morning in deep water while looking for bigger perch.

Seen crappie reports South of Browning Point, which is basically north of Cemetery, but far, far away.

And, the deep water out by the buoys at the Narrows seems to get crappie reports regularly.

Seems you NEED a fishfinder, and they ALWAYS bite really light.
I guess I'll have to give PV another try this winter. I have relatives who live near the lake so I'll hook up with them and give it a shot. You never know, next time I might catch something worth keeping.
Was all that water present at the Narrows?
I want to take some grandkids up there.
it was at the narrows. but that was on the 1st so im not sure if the cooler temps have made it a little more managable.