02-04-2013, 02:44 PM
Went up to pineview on friday for a birthday trip with a few friends of mine and one i hadnt seen in a few years. left the house around 3 am looking to get up there in the dark for some crappies. Got to the parking lot and it was a mild 32 degrees[crazy]. made our way down the steep hill in the dark and proceeded on to the ice or slush you could call it. there had to be atleast 6 to 8 inches of watery slush on top and i wasnt prepared for the conditions cause i was instantly wet, luckily it wasnt too cold even though it wasnt the most comfortable thing i kept on fishing. there were crappie all over the finder once we drilled and set up shop. they were a little finicky and i had a hard time getting them to bite my rig but my 2 buddies got a few keepers, i think around 5 keepers and lots of little silver dollar sized ones. Also 1 perch sized LMB was cool too that my other buddy got.
As soon as the sun came up the crappie pretty much dissapeared and the perch woke up. i ended up getting around 18 perch and 2 small crappie for myself aswell as a real nice smallie that taped at a little over 17 inches, the way it fough i thought i was a big slab but the smallies are just as good to eat imo.
I dont know if the colder mountain temps the last few days have froze the slush up a little better cause if not you definalty need waders or high boots. thanks guys
As soon as the sun came up the crappie pretty much dissapeared and the perch woke up. i ended up getting around 18 perch and 2 small crappie for myself aswell as a real nice smallie that taped at a little over 17 inches, the way it fough i thought i was a big slab but the smallies are just as good to eat imo.
I dont know if the colder mountain temps the last few days have froze the slush up a little better cause if not you definalty need waders or high boots. thanks guys