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[center][/center][center][font "arial,helvetica"][font "verdana, helvetica,arial, sans-serif"][size 2][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1559;][/size][/font][/font][/center][center][font "arial,helvetica"][font "verdana, helvetica,arial, sans-serif"][size 2]Joe Kuhn of Port Aransas caught this big speckled trout that weighed 10 pounds and was 30.25 inches long. He was fishing Oct. 29 with his grandson, Mike Kelley, of Corpus Christi and guide Patrick Buchanan. Kuhn said he won the trip in a silent auction at the Taste of the Island at Padre Isles Country Club. Kelley caught a 15-inch sheepshead and Kuhn also caught a 27.5-inch redfish and a 19-inch drum. [/size][/font][/font][/center]

We're fishing up at Bear Lake this weekend and that's been a popular size anything from 6-17lbs for the past couple weeks!

It is a nice fish!
Bear Lake is Freshwater and in Utah. This was caught on the Texas coast and in saltwater. I have fished the area for many years and the average caught in the area is around 3-5 lb.
That's very cool, I loved fishing the Texas coast as a kid, but now days I enjoy the mountain lakes and streams in Utah.

Going after my first Bear lake Mac this weekend, looks to be a cold one with possible snow showers & temps in the 30's

Like I said it was a very nice fish, just didn't ever remember seeing andy Salty Trout, caught mostly "croakers & cats" on shrimp.
got my start fishing in texas myself when was younger beauitful state with some great fishing
Where abouts in Texas? I lived in San Antonio & El Paso!
no where near there i was way east living in this little town rockland tex. less then 100 people off HWY 69 (i think ) it was great deep pine woods streams rivers lakes and ponds everywhere !!!!
aint that a bute!!!!

I have been chasin one just like it all sumer, mabe when the ice gets on the lake I will hook up with him,
If you had caught this one I would have been proud of you! That would have ment you would have made that long awaited trip to the gulf of mexico and fished in the great salt water. If you land that lake trout you had better post a pic for all to see.
Here is the pup I pulled up this weekend at Bear Lake. 7-8lbs and took me 20 minutes to pull it up!