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hit up the snake by springfield. my little girl hooked both of these browns.
Very cool. Way to get them started young. Welcome to the forum. What types of baits/lures? Moving or still?
Welcome to BFT. Nice report. It is OK to get outfished by your kids if they are having fun...That is what i tell myself anyway
Welcome aboard . Nice report . Cute Child , fishing partner for ever . Curt G.
Welcome to a great site. Those are some fun pictures of your daughter, and a couple of nice fish.
Looks like fun! Great fish! I'm only starting to realize that it's just about as much fun watching my kids catch fish as it is for me to do it! Welcome to BFT!

Thanks, she is three. I started taking her when she was a baby. She was funny after she caught them. She had to tell me what i was doing wrong. She would go" reel reel reel no thats to fast daddy". For bait I just put a worm on the bottom. Pretty sure she was moving it. I caught a couple on a spinner. But she caught the biggest. Sure is the best thing ever watching her catch great fish.

Glad to be aboard. I go fishing once or twice a week. around southeast idaho. So I will start posting reports.
I love that first natural like, "no big deal, it's what I do"
Thanks and welcome.