02-06-2013, 12:10 PM
Prospects of big fish
Robust population at nearly 29,000 adult male and 19,000 adult female lake sturgeon
Seven of the largest fish have been speared in the last 10 years<br />
6.3 percent of sturgeon harvested in recent seasons were over 100 pounds, up from the more typical 1 percent<br />
Fun for all ages
12,092 licenses sold, third highest of all time<br />
52 youngsters 12- and 13-years old participating under a new law<br />
94 people participating in the season are 81 years or older<br />
Spearers come from 25 states including Wisconsin<br />
Wisconsin has the most licensed spearers, 11,890, followed by Michigan with 63, Minnesota with 35 and Illinois with 34<br />
Season rules
Season opens at 6:30 a.m. Feb. 9, 2013<br />
Harvest caps limit number of sturgeon speared<br />
Season ends after next spearing day after harvest reaches 90 percent of any of the caps set for juvenile females, adult females or males<br />
Spearers must register sturgeon on day they are speared; DNR records fish weight, length and other details to help monitor population<br />
Support Sturgeon
Buy "People of the Sturgeon: Wisconsin's Love Affair with an Ancient Fish" Audio Book: $34.95<br />
Book: $29.95<br />
Read, view pictures, and hear the sturgeon stories and remembrances from spearers, decoy makers, conservation wardens, fish biologists and more. A portion of the proceeds go to help fund Lake Winnebago Sturgeon management.
Prospects of record fish, younger spearers create buzz
The 2013 spearing seasons on the Lake Winnebago System are destined for the recordbooks: 12- and 13-year-olds can now join their families in the spearing season under a new law aimed to bring more people into the fold.
And, population surveys suggest some lucky spearer just might break the reigning state record, a 212-pound fish speared in 2010, or cart home a trophy fish, regarded as one over 100 pounds. DNR crews captured a 240-pound, 87.5 inch adult female lake sturgeon in spawning surveys below the Shawano Dam in April 2012. As always, however, ice conditions and water clarity are key factors determining if the record falls.
Robust population at nearly 29,000 adult male and 19,000 adult female lake sturgeon
Seven of the largest fish have been speared in the last 10 years<br />
6.3 percent of sturgeon harvested in recent seasons were over 100 pounds, up from the more typical 1 percent<br />
Fun for all ages
12,092 licenses sold, third highest of all time<br />
52 youngsters 12- and 13-years old participating under a new law<br />
94 people participating in the season are 81 years or older<br />
Spearers come from 25 states including Wisconsin<br />
Wisconsin has the most licensed spearers, 11,890, followed by Michigan with 63, Minnesota with 35 and Illinois with 34<br />
Season rules
Season opens at 6:30 a.m. Feb. 9, 2013<br />
Harvest caps limit number of sturgeon speared<br />
Season ends after next spearing day after harvest reaches 90 percent of any of the caps set for juvenile females, adult females or males<br />
Spearers must register sturgeon on day they are speared; DNR records fish weight, length and other details to help monitor population<br />
Support Sturgeon
Buy "People of the Sturgeon: Wisconsin's Love Affair with an Ancient Fish" Audio Book: $34.95<br />
Book: $29.95<br />
Read, view pictures, and hear the sturgeon stories and remembrances from spearers, decoy makers, conservation wardens, fish biologists and more. A portion of the proceeds go to help fund Lake Winnebago Sturgeon management.
Prospects of record fish, younger spearers create buzz
The 2013 spearing seasons on the Lake Winnebago System are destined for the recordbooks: 12- and 13-year-olds can now join their families in the spearing season under a new law aimed to bring more people into the fold.
And, population surveys suggest some lucky spearer just might break the reigning state record, a 212-pound fish speared in 2010, or cart home a trophy fish, regarded as one over 100 pounds. DNR crews captured a 240-pound, 87.5 inch adult female lake sturgeon in spawning surveys below the Shawano Dam in April 2012. As always, however, ice conditions and water clarity are key factors determining if the record falls.