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How does that saying go, stupid is as stupid does[crazy].
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Now, that's what I'd call an attitude adjustment - well deserved.
Agreed. its seems kids these days have no respect.
+1 with this note. Too many kids today aren't taught respect. It's somewhat Sad that the little snot is paying for her parents failure.
I love it too. No matter if you feel you are right or wrong, you need to have respect. If I was the judge I would have done the same thing. We used to go back and forth to Canada to drink when I was under 21 and in college since the drinking age over there was 19. When we came back through customs, even with a few under our belt, you never, ever messed with the custom's officer. They could make your life hell. I saw a friend make a smart comment when he was pulled over and they stripped his entire car looking for "something". Wouldn't let him use the bathroom and made him stand right there in the cold while they checked his car. Then when they were through he had to put it all back together. Spare tire, seats, etc. Made me a believer.
My next door neighbor, who I think is bipolar, flips off my wife, me and anyone else that visits us and other neighbors. Including my mother and mother in law. The cops don't do anything about it because they say it's freedom of expression. He chases the kids up and down the street on his riding lawn mower also. Thanks for letting me rant[mad].
Flipping us common folks off is ok but not a judge[Wink], they have a little more power than us.
There is the thought that it would be nice if folks showed others a little respect but now days that just does not happen very often[unimpressed].
Now I know I'm getting to be a cranky old fart. If someone were to flip my little wife off & I learned about it, one, probably both, of us would get some lumps they didn't want. I might be almost 73 but some things just don't go.
Police have already warned me if I do anything I'll be the one going to jail for assault and battery.
Sounds kinda like that jerk has a picture of someone in high position in a compromising situation.
+1 on the lacking in her teachings but she's old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. I'm sure she understand the meaning of respect.. Most of us have push the limits in one form or another, yet the younger generations seem to believe because their folks didnt spank their butts for stepping out of line that the rest of the world wont either. I personally feel she got off lucky. If you or I'd have pulled that crap while in front of the judge at her age they'd have tossed the book at us. I have seen how lax the system is1st hand now and its not a cure for whats wrong with this nation in general. You and I learned respect young and paid our dues and it quickly taught us that, usually, we didnt want to pull that crap a second time,, as I said, usually. lol.
+1 never mess with any law enforcement personnel/agents. I went through an aircraft/aviation familiarization class in '93, for kids interested in becoming a pilot (any rating). As part of the class, we went through the security checkpoint at SLC int'l. Before getting to the terminal, the instructors gave us all sorts of advice/rules. One kid decided to say he had a bomb in his pocket, later he explained to his parents why they owed the gov $50,000.
I saw this the other day. I don't feel she should have been called back after saying adios, because he said bye bye, but it was still funny.
suggestion: video tape. Point a camera at the guy when he's doing it, film him running his mower. (maybe if a few tacks of nails happened to "fall" in his path... wouldn't drive so fast!)

so - is he mad about something, or just rude crude and misconstrued?

Had an "opportunity" in court - observed a young lad meet with the judge. Musta been something drug related, followup meeting - probation and stuff.
The kid was courteous and respectful enough, but the judge "informed him" if he showed up in court in shorts and flip-flops again he'd be charged with contempt.

No flip-offs required.
I agree with the video comment. Would be some great YouTube vids. Sounds to me like I'd put the house on the market. Sometimes it's not worth it, in the wrong mood and a neighbor flipped off my mother I'm afraid I might rearrange his dental work.
Seeing a video camera pointed at him just might tip him over the edge. I'm definitely going to do it. He is an Angry old man and we're not the only ones he feuds with. His brother has disowned him, his kids don't visit him, he's just a pitiful ornery cuss. I feel sorry for him but somebody needs to do something before he hurts himself or someone else.