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Okay, so for the past couple of weeks I have made plans to go up to Flaming George but the weather and all of the events that keep getting held up there keep pushing the date back. This week seems like a good week to go up so I am going to try and go up..

What I was wondering is the following:
-Is there any events being held up there this weekend?
-Is there any guide/tips on how to catch lake trout?
-Is there any guide/tips on how to catch burbot at night?

Thanks for the help in advance.
i went there for the first time last weekend so i might not be the best on to advise you on anything. but heres what i found out about the burbot. i used a glow squid and a glow curly tail 4 to 5 in with chub meat on it. i also tried a trick i read on here about using a flash unit from a 35 mil camera ( works great ) local guy said fish in 15 to 25 ft water off a area that has rocks and shale type materal thats steep shoreline going into the water. bite for me was dusk untill 9 pm cant really help on the lake trout good luck let me know how you did. i was at holmes crossing, i was told lost dog was better area
How exactly are you using the flash unit from the camera.
I think that he means that he was using a detachable flash unit from a regular picture camera to charge his jigs with. The light from them is really bright.

It works great we have been using them since the 80's when fishing at night for the walleyes. You can find them on ebay for not to much money and the charge your jig in under a second.
I was up at the Burbot Bash and we did catch as many as I was expecting but we were straight across the lake from Holmes Crossing at Upper Marsh Creek. We drove across the lake in a side by side, (be careful of the pressure ridges if attempted). I have never tried the camera flash to recharge your jigs but a UV flashlight works fantastic and it only takes a few seconds to do so. We were fishing in 25-40 feet in the evening then with the same setup fished in 80-100 feet during the day and surprisingly we caught many of our big burbot just off the bottom jigging a little. We used the yamamoto glow in the dark grubs 3-4 inches tipped with sucker meat. We found more success in spreading ourselves and poles a good 30-40 feet apart at least. It required more walking but seemed to help us out.
it is a detachable flash unit off my 35 mil camera. just cup the jig in your hand when you hit the flash cause dam it blinds you for a few seconds. yep i found out the hard way. try a pawn shop for one. really shouldnt be more than 15 bucks. one of the guys with me had a u-v flashlight it works ok but after he saw the flash results he said not even close to the same intensity.