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Hit Ririe about 2:00 today. It wasn't smokin hot by any means, but in two and a half hours put one rainbow and 4 koks on the ice. Nice size koks, 12-13 inchers I would say. Made for a tasty dinner tonight, and you know? I didn't share![Image: happy.gif]

There is this bald eagle out there that tries to steal your fish. I had my rods stretched far apart when something made me look up, it was beginning its decent onto one of my koks. I know what your thinking, it's a bald eagle, give one up you big stinjy. Know this, that eagle and I have a long relationship and I have sacrificed numerous fish through the years to its voracious appetite. One of the bravest birds I have ever seen. It's worth it just to go out and see it up close and personal.
Could u tell me how the ice is plz? N ty!
Little soft on the edges but nothing to worry about, you can get around it. Ice is about 14-16 inches thick. When the sun was out and directly on it, it sounded like popcorn, but when the clouds came in it was dead quiet. It's good solid ice.
I have seen that Eagle many times as well. Last Friday it helped itself to 2 big suckers that I had kicked away from us towards the shore (although I'm pretty sure I saw it puke when it tried eating one!)

That shallow popping in the ice will be a little unnerving when you hear it going on, but you're right, it's good and solid right now.
nice might have to go out and give it a try here soon
Thx for the report!