Fishing Forum

Full Version: saltyduck, Chick, LM Bass, 2.9, Dad
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I made the decision last week that since I am rig-tarded I am putting it down for good this spring. It seemed like all of my practice trips are the same... Commit to throwing the rig, run all over the world and maybe catch one and then go shallow in the last hour or so of the day and start catching some good fish... So with that game-plan in mind we started out fishing shallow and on the third cast dad, hooks up and he says this is a big fish... He gets a couple of cranks on it then thinks he loses it but the fish was just swimming at the boat... He says its fighting funny and doesnt think its a bass about that time a giant large mouth surfaces right at the boat... I scramble for the net and the fish weighs #10.04. It was pre-historic looking because it was so fat. She was only 23.75 inches long. An absolute beast. We start fishing again and two casts later catch a 4.25... Next cast catch a 4.07... Hmmm we may be on to something, decide to leave those fish but move around a bit in the same area we are in. Catch 4 more keepers in the same area. At our next stop catch 4.32. About 5 minutes after I caught that fish I laid into a giant, but it was a pretty short lived fight, as I only had her on for about 20 seconds. Could have been a drum but if it was a bass it was another toad... <br /><br />We ended the day with 14 keepers and our best five was between #25.5 and #26. Considering it was post front and blue skies I was pleasantly surprised at how good the bite was. Hopefully these fish will still be in the same area in two weeks for the first CBA. Caught all of our fish in less than 6FOW on cranks.