02-12-2013, 06:06 PM
Hey guys,
Planning on heading back out to Govt Wash this weekend. I have attached a pic of Govt Wash from Google Earth and noted a few areas. I have only been there once and I believe I was in the area marked 1. But I noticed it was a natural boat launch type of area that had a very gradual slope that continued out probably several hundred yards. This was probably part of the reason why I got skunked.
So I am trying to figure out the best area to shore fish in Govt Wash. Anyone have any suggestions? I identified a few places on this Google Map that look good. However I am torn - too far back in the wash and its probably not good striper territory. Too far out into the body of the lake, and we are looking at massive wind.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! [fishon]
Planning on heading back out to Govt Wash this weekend. I have attached a pic of Govt Wash from Google Earth and noted a few areas. I have only been there once and I believe I was in the area marked 1. But I noticed it was a natural boat launch type of area that had a very gradual slope that continued out probably several hundred yards. This was probably part of the reason why I got skunked.
So I am trying to figure out the best area to shore fish in Govt Wash. Anyone have any suggestions? I identified a few places on this Google Map that look good. However I am torn - too far back in the wash and its probably not good striper territory. Too far out into the body of the lake, and we are looking at massive wind.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! [fishon]