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Full Version: Ice Fishing in Yellowknife
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Hi guys would you mind suggesting me some ice fishing spots in Yellowknife NWT?
Welcome to the site Saurida, sorry but we don't get a lot of questions from that far North. Do you live in Yellowknife?
you will have to be a little more spicific, yellowstone resides in several states.
[quote Saurida]Hi guys would you mind suggesting me some ice fishing spots in Yellowknife [#bf0000]NWT[/#bf0000]?[/quote]

Hey Dave, I could be wrong but I think NWT is the North West Territories[Wink]. I've been up there once and remember a big river beside the town and a big huge lake somewhere in the area but I never fished there.
my mind was reading something else last week, I was thinking yellow stone because I watched a documentary on yellowstone the night befor.
