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Full Version: 11/9 Trout and Catfish Plants
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Hey there guys

The following Lakes will be planted in Section #5 from November 9, 2003. good weather permitting.

Trout & Catfish!!!!!
Cerritos Lake, El Dorado Park Lakes, La Mirada, Legg Lake, Peck Road Park Lake, Santa Fe Resevoir.

Trout Only

Catfish Only
Puddingstone Lake, Magic Johnson Park Lake

Happy shooting in a barrel. That's a joke. I love fishing these lakes as I fish everyday and have a place to go and catch and release. I expect some of those catfish to get old and wise!!!!

[cool]Hey JR, It looks like they have taken care of your playground as well. It would be fun for us to trade turns at each others stomping grounds once in awhile.[Wink]

Hi there TubeN2,

Ya, If I survive the bathroom renovation from he**.

I just came back a while ago from the Cerritos Lake and got absolutely ziltch! They planted both species this morning!
Didn't see DH_tubinjoe and his buddy tonight.

I'm gonna get a Sunday off one of these years!

Hey JR, don't be discouraged. It takes them little guys a few days to settle down in their new home. They will get hungry soon. I'm trying some new recepies for cats. I will check them out tomorrow afternoon at Hansen and post the results.

I was too busy today to get the Saturday post up for Hansen. There were some serious car accidents around here today. Kept me pretty busy.

Hi there TubeN2,

Perfectly understandable. Those of us who have lived with or experienced carnage on nearly a daily basis are, after a time, lucky to be able to find solence in an activity such as fishing.

Someone on the boards was saying how dare we persue or seem to be centered on our fishing interests and not be more considerate of those victimized in the recent fires. Little do they think we know .........

I wasn't discouraged by no fishies as, as you say, they won't settle down for a while. It seems like the shallower and less natural the habitat, the faster their recovery. Do you think they think they are back home in the rearing troughs/ponds/pools? ha ha ha

My lifetime license includes the two rod deal so I'm gonna do a hookless bait setup on one rod to find out if the school is near and flyfish for the ones I want to catch. Pretty clever huh?!


That sounds pretty cool to flyfish for the cats. I've never tried that method for cats. Once they settle down, like you said, the they will open up on the appetite.

They were catching them at Hansen on shrimp. How did those little getto cats devolope such high standards? ha ha. Actually before they planted there were still several holdovers from the planting in the early summer.

Those were being caught on a combo of marshmellow with nightcrawler on the same hook. I guess they get their meat and desert on the same bite. Kind of like fast food for the kittys.

Hi there tubeN2,

Went to Cerritos this morning. One rod bait fish for the cats and fly flinging for the trout. Ziltch on both but I will try from 4pm today.

Some other anglers were pulling them in!! 2 and 3 pounders. Sheeh! That's OK, tomorrow I'll go to Catalina and hope for YFT along the way!

What are you using for cat bait??? Crawlers, or sweet, or stinK??? Just curious. I have some smelt minnow ready for this afternoon. as well as some Pork Kidneys. I cannot tell you what I put in them here. But I will PM you later.

Good luck on the YTs. Those are always fun. Are you going on one of the boats with the DH tubin boys??

Hey there tubeN2,

Plain ol garden hackle, nothin' fancy! I'll get some mackerel tomorrow and see how that works.

Nope, I'm going on a boat that my fishing club prefers.
