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Full Version: Congratulations.........
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Hey all,

I'm a new member and love football and the Philadelphia Eagles are

Are my favorite team. I would like to congratulate chiefpanfish, what

a smart pick on Monday night. Also not to bad on Sunday and it looks

like you picked up some ground on the overall prize, keep up the good


[cool]Hey there Paintedfish, welcome aboard the BFT site. I hope that you find your place at home here just as many have. It's nice to combine fishing with fellow football fans. I look forward to reading some of your posts in the future and sharing information with you. Have a good one and we'll see you around.
Welcome aboard. Hope to see you in this weeks pool.
Thank you tubeN2, I'm looking forward to meeting new people and talking fish

and football. You will see me around, thanks for your welcome...........

UpState NY

[size 2]Whatever you do don't copy me for picks! I suck[unsure] I got like 4 last week.[crazy][blush][/size]
Always, love to talk football.

I wish the Eagles had beat the Bucs last year in the NFC Championship game. Then the Raiders would of won the Super Bowl. Then this season would be a lot easier to deal with.

Oh well, what can you do?
[size 2] Yep. The Raiders blowing it really messed alot of people up.[crazy][/size]