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Got a cold start at Strawberry this morning, -9 to be exact. Pulled out our gear and loaded it in the sled. Grabbed my trusty auger, put on the choke, primed it, grabbed the throttle to give it a little squeeze and then snap (I like to make sure my auger starts before we get 5 miles out). The throttle lever broke. It had water in the throttle cable housing from the snow from the previous outing.

So I jimmy rigged it, but I still couldn't get the throttle cable to budge. Luckily there was a party nearby with an auger they were wiling to let us borrow. I drilled 10 holes, filled it the gas from my not-so-much power auger, and safely returned it.

I made a trip back to the marina to grab another member of our party (3 sled and 7 people). On the way back and about 300 yards from our fishing spot I shredded a belt! Ahhh! Am I ever going to get my line in the water today? 20 minutes later a new belt was one and I was at camp.

Got back and started fishing. While I was gone they put a few on the top side--but was only able to keep a 18" rainbow. Lots of slot cutts were caught, and one dandy of a fish by my wife. Weather was amazing, we are both red as lobsters even with sunscreen. To get good fishing you pretty much have to get off the road quite a bit (that's my experience). Find points, coves, or some minor structure that's 25-30' deep and you should catch a few. We started fishing around 9 and left close to 4. All together we put 31 on the ice and kept 3.

We found the best success with glo ratso's, orange glo tubes (under 2"), and white or green maribous. All tipped with mill worms.

When a dwr rep checked our licenses one of the people in our group left theirs in the truck. He took her name and dob for information--very friendly guy. Told him what we've caught and pointed to the cutthroat on the ice. I told him the length and he chuckled and asked, "should we re-measure it?" I told him that he should. He laughed and said, "I trust you." Thanks for being a friendly and working dwr rep.

The best of the day was 24" 4lb 13oz.
How was the slush
The slush was present but not as bad as it has been, I wouldn't recommend an atv going across the lake. I think the super cold nights the past couple of days have hardened the crust on the slush. We didn't break through the slush on our trip, surprisingly.